1 H: Roc W: Delta, Strand

by james_gingerich

2 Done

by james_gingerich


by james_gingerich

4 W: Savannah H: JtMS, fetches

by james_gingerich

5 W: MMA Sword FnI H: Karn, others

by james_gingerich

11 Search wild card

by james_gingerich

12 [EDH] Ghave

by james_gingerich

13 Trades Finished

by james_gingerich

15 Jace AoT for trade - TRADED

by james_gingerich

16 How to acquire legacy staples

by james_gingerich

17 H: FTV Maze of Ith, W: Modern Stuff

by james_gingerich

18 W: Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre; H: CoS

by james_gingerich

19 Looking for game day promo BSZ

by james_gingerich

20 Looking for snow-covered lands

by james_gingerich

21 Tamiyo for trade

by james_gingerich

22 Looking for Umezawa's Jitte

by james_gingerich