4,081 EDIT: Done thank you

by Andrew689

4,083 W:Zen Lands H:tradeslist

by Apoptosis

4,085 W: FTV Cataclysm and FTV Armageddon

by El_Panda_Rojo

4,086 Orzhov Pontiff For trade!

by Rainho1991

4,089 anyone have a buylist

by TBittenbender

4,090 want 4 stormbreaths

by TBittenbender

4,095 looking for a few shocks

by alibastar

4,096 H: Standard-ish W: U/W Heroic pieces

by BlackMageWins77

4,101 Half-moon Flooded strand

by AnA_Z

4,102 W:Shock:god/tomb H:tradeslist

by Apoptosis

4,106 W:EDH stuff H:tradeslist

by Apoptosis

4,108 H Foil Thought Scour

by toastface

4,109 Need Razorverge Thickets

by Hijinks