4,474 Looking to make some trades!

by cmzimmerman

4,482 Foil Rattleclaw mystic

by MTG_Terp

4,483 H:Standard W: Pod

by Hijinks

4,485 W: 1 Arcbound Ravager H:Stuff

by maximusris00

4,487 LF: Trades!! Want to see your lists!

by medicfourlife

4,488 H: random foil basic w: your tradelist

by ShadowStrike14

4,489 W: EDH H: Lots

by Rydon

4,493 H: Tradelist W: Wishlist

by Hijinks

4,495 W: Karn H: inventory, cash

by aznman375

4,499 Closed.

by medicfourlife