6,301 H: 100ish tix W: Paper Magic

by raticate_tail

6,304 H: Foil Sword of Light and Shadow

by Killasnipe

6,308 Promo remand

by Velocizachtor

6,311 H: Volc, inventory W: inside

by BlackMageWins77

6,314 Looking to sell. H Tundra

by Charlesmartin

6,315 H: Vintage W: Modern

by beacon

6,316 N: Few EDH cards H: Lots

by F3n1x

6,318 W: Bellow H: Lilly, Snap, List

by WarLordUSA

6,319 looking for a creakwood liege!

by Blaze2100

6,321 Let's Trade

by asmodeanreborn

6,322 Want: Modern 4C Gifts

by Mistbeaver

6,324 W: Foil Brimaz H: Tradelist

by BasedJeleren

6,327 H: modern merfolk W: legacy cards/trade list

by icanmakeshittygames

6,329 H: Goyf W: Tundra, offers

by baller