8,971 Someone out there has to have.....

by av3rag3_j03

8,973 Tokens!

by VoxUltrasonic

8,974 W: Karn Liberated H: Tradelist

by dah81290

8,975 Closed

by Pitch35

8,984 Updated list, 2,000 new cards added

by AlmightySenator

8,986 H:Things, List W: KikiPod, EDH

by seanxfitz

8,988 W: Oloro EDH H: Tradelist

by Nickitynicknick ( Pages 1 2 )

8,990 Need a bunch of commons for pauper EDH

by Themaddhatter2304

8,993 selling/trading inventory

by TBittenbender

8,996 Trading for Boros Cards!

by GnomGnomGnom

8,997 W: 2 Supreme Verdict H: list

by fergerger