1,172 Trading down to finish decks

by aikitim

1,177 W: PromoTitans

by ShadowStrike14

1,182 LF:spell queller, avacyn

by alibastar

1,186 W:Shocks

by lueyja1

1,187 Want standard trades

by shifty4690

1,188 W: Wish list

by ShadowStrike14

1,189 N: Lots H: Lots

by TazzMetal

1,192 N: 4 phrexyian Metamoprhs

by ShadowStrike14

1,193 Looking to make some trades!

by billbollow

1,195 LF Modern U Tron , H TL

by abdullahkhalil

1,197 done

by fergerger

1,199 H: Arid Mesa (EXP) LF: Standard

by Convergancy