1,593 H:FOIL Mana Crypt W: lists?

by Deadgumby

1,594 W: Noble Hierarchs H: TL

by ecg3

1,595 H: Foil Sinkhole W: Anything on WL

by raticate_tail

1,598 W: Foil Affinity Pieces

by anspaughnato

1,599 Lf: fow and snapcaster

by PerfectSpecimen

1,602 Cracked a box of EMA

by Greenmage0518

1,603 WTT: EM Foil Regal Force

by 311chaos

1,604 H: Nahiri W: Eldrazi

by KarnHelix

1,605 H: brainstorm foil eternal masters

by Ryan_Commins

1,606 Foiling pauper and other things

by TheFeathers

1,607 Looking for Miracles Cards

by merged

1,610 H: BfZ Bloodstained Mire EXP (foil)

by Gallagher604

1,611 Want 2x FoW (any condition)

by abdullahkhalil

1,613 W: Nahiri, etc H: Kalitas, etc

by JimFear237

1,614 Unglued lands plus

by namartia

1,615 H: LoTV W: Expeditions

by Fiery_Danny