Topic: H: 2 blood baron breeding pool tradelist W: to see your trades

Notables looking to trade away
Blood Baron of vizkopa x2
Breeding Pool
Legion's Intiative
Varolz the scar striped

I'm interested in a fair amount of different things, just send me a trade with what you want.

Re: H: 2 blood baron breeding pool tradelist W: to see your trades

Interested in a Watery Grave and/or Breeding Pool, let me know if you see anything.

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Free yourself from yourself

Re: H: 2 blood baron breeding pool tradelist W: to see your trades

Interested in the breeding pool if I hve anything you want

Re: H: 2 blood baron breeding pool tradelist W: to see your trades

Opened a trade.

Re: H: 2 blood baron breeding pool tradelist W: to see your trades

sent a trade

Re: H: 2 blood baron breeding pool tradelist W: to see your trades

Interested in Blood Baron.  Let me know if we can work something out.