Topic: [Request] Option to add decklist to inventory

I'm mainly using this site to keep track of the deck I draft each week so I can analyze what I did. However, I'd like to start thinking about constructed.

I already enter in everything into decks. It would be a pain to go over every card again. I'd really like to have a button somewhere that will take the decklist and add it to my inventory to save me the pain. Especially as I haven't added to inventory for the past 4 limited events, at least more than rares so I can offer a meager trade list.

I know, this has a relatively limited application. It could even just be worked around by export/import features with the right formats. I realize export has been requested here recently.


Re: [Request] Option to add decklist to inventory

It's not overly apparent but the green column in the deck lists that shows what you have in your inventory can be clicked on and edited.  I know it's not as simple as a button but it's certainly easier than retyping everything.

Re: [Request] Option to add decklist to inventory

That's a good point, thank you. I'll use that to cope with the stress of typing =P


Re: [Request] Option to add decklist to inventory

I would like this feature as well.

It is very useful when using pre-constructed decks or after you purchase your entire deck at once.

It is not super difficult to modify the number but it does take time since you need to modify the number owned for every card and need to add the number from the deck to the number you already own. This feature would definitely improve the site.