Topic: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

Hi, im looking to make a few trade for stuff I actually need by trading cards I have no use for some of the cards im looking to get rid of are:

boros reckoner
ancient craving
akroma, angel of wrath
B.F.M left side
garruk relentless
Ajani goldmane
slight of hand
wrath of god(8th edition)
abyssal nightstalker
coat of arms
sigarda, host of herons
sterling grove
worldly tutor
decree of pain FOIL

I have a ton of others as well too many to list
im mostly interested in standard cards, and eternal staples (snapcaster, deathrite etc)

If interested post a reply or start a trade discussion and I will gladly look at what you have to trade!

Last edited by TBittenbender (2013-08-24 02:35:04)

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

potentially interested in ajani, sword, and tutor. i will send a msg

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

bump looking for 4 domri rades

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

I have one. Interested in your sword. Let me know if we can work something out.

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others


Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

bumpity bump

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others


Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others


Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

conversation started!

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

got the domris looking for others

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

You might get oozes if you offer more than $10 in trade for them. lol  Really, who's going to do that.

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

Trading from inventory?  I got 4 extra Ooze.

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

depends on what u were looking at

Re: W: ooze/lifebane x4 H: vengevine/others

Fetches, shocks.