Topic: Deck Discussion Subforum Guidelines

For a better experience in browsing these forums, please include small identifiers in the deck titles.

  • [Standard], [Extended], [Modern], [EDH] - the format in which you intend to play your deck.

  • [Opinions] - if you are looking for help or ideas with a deck you have built yourself.

  • [Discussion] - a thread dedicated to a longer discussion about a deck archetype (as opposed to a thread dedicated to a personal specific build)

  • [Guide] - if you have written a more detailed explanation of a deck or strategy, in a how-to format.

Re: Deck Discussion Subforum Guidelines

In addition to providing the information noted above by Sebi, please consider answering the following questions when posting:

1) What level of play is this expecting to see?  Are you going to play casually just for fun or are you taking it to competitive FNMs?  Are your FNMs full of top level players rocking tier 1 decks, or is it more of a bunch of home brews?

2) Do you have a format restriction/preference?

2) What are the win conditions of the deck?  Or, in other words, how do you envision the deck winning games?

3) If you were to imagine an ideal 4-5 turns, how do you envision them playing out?

4) What sort of budget do you have for improving the deck?  It's easy to suggest that you add $400 worth of cards, but if you're only looking to spend $20 to make improvements then suggesting 4x Snapcaster Mage isn't useful information.

Remember, the more information you can provide for the community, the more likely it will be that we can provide meaningful, helpful feedback.  I know many of you are likely scared to post too much because you're just learning the game, but we all started somewhere and this forum is here for all of us to help one another, so again, the more you can include in your post, the better our suggestions will be.