Topic: Oddball: Guru Handbook Value/market?

I was hoping someone out there has bought, sold, or seen/heard of the same one of these.  I have one in good condition but I am not sure how to valuate it.  the only one I can find via Google either sold or for sale is on ebay still.

If anyone has a lead for me, either on what it may actually sell for or to whom, I'd appreciate it!

Re: Oddball: Guru Handbook Value/market?

Hi Paul,

Well, first of all, I'm DEEPLY disappointed to say that the one I have is not, as I had thought, actually 100% intact.  All the Magic Guru cards (B&W cut outs) are there, but the first two Contest Entry forms are not.  Neatly pulled out from the perforation so I didn't notice on first, second or third looks.

There is some info here: … index.html
I have Guru book 2, apparently.

And I have pictures up, but it is actually easier to refer you to this eBay auction for info because I scanned my pictures in at some ungodly high resolution.  **This is NOT my auction, I do not have any opinion either way about someone buying it from the seller**  But Rubio did an excellent job of providing information in general and I couldn't re-write it much better than he did.

You can see from the auction why I'm sad that mine is missing two Entry cards versus the one in it, since otherwise it is in slightly better shape than that one.