Re: nu stiu voi, dar
juzer wrote:practic dai Spell Snare la primul emissary, only chance
Read above
yeah, prea multre posturi
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juzer wrote:practic dai Spell Snare la primul emissary, only chance
Read above
yeah, prea multre posturi
In mod realist, da, poti sa pui 7-8 power pe battlefield in turn 2. Boschetarul cu Surge avand 10+ power deja pe masa in turn 2 e magical christmas land.
Si asta e daca esti on the play. On the draw, creste enorm numarul de raspunsuri posibile la tot gimmickul asta: Mana Leak, Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Ratchet Bomb, Engineered Explosives, ca sa nu mai zic de inquisition/thoughtseize in primele 2 ture.
Cum suna Thoughtseize/Inquisition into Surgical Extraction or Extirpate la 1 respectiv 2 mana?
In mod realist, da, poti sa pui 7-8 power pe battlefield in turn 2. Boschetarul cu Surge avand 10+ power deja pe masa in turn 2 e magical christmas land.
Si asta e daca esti on the play. On the draw, creste enorm numarul de raspunsuri posibile la tot gimmickul asta: Mana Leak, Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Ratchet Bomb, Engineered Explosives, ca sa nu mai zic de inquisition/thoughtseize in primele 2 ture.
Cum suna Thoughtseize/Inquisition into Surgical Extraction or Extirpate la 1 respectiv 2 mana?
nu chier sunt mai multi:
Goblin Bushwhacker langa Reckless Bushwhacker
Otherwise You can just flip the TABLE and go have a nice cold beer.
DECI M-AM CĂCAT PE MINE DE RÂS! Same draft table, same colors, A SHITLOAD OF REMOVAL. La un moment dat s-au jucat 3 Tidy Conclusion (2 eu, 1 el), apoi el a pușcat un Fumigate. )
vintage storm is for kids...
vintage storm is for kids...
Sunt curios daca are destule efecte de return to hand ca sa sparga ex de aia cu vreo 180 hp.
ar trebui sa returneze in mana de 17 ori.
edit : nevermind, are lista in descrierea videoclipului, are destule efecte
Last edited by 970539923022004 (2017-01-20 09:50:17)
noob friendly evergreen keyword!
saw it at someone at the GP:
Karn, SILVER Golem
Last edited by juzer (2017-01-31 09:22:56)
un deck cu 150 de carti a castigat un turneu de modern de 130 de persoane in Finlanda.
inner Timmy intensifies
the jank is real:
Amonkhet story BINGO:
... asta e cel mai longeviv post al meu. let us celebrate it
... asta e cel mai longeviv post al meu. let us celebrate it
I hear and second you, brother!
Nu am deloc talent cand vine vorba de desen/pictura, dar sunt mare fan de unii artisti din MtG. Am gasit recent un canal ce analizeaza cativa din magic artwork creators(posibil sa fi vazut si pe reddit astea):
Nu am deloc talent cand vine vorba de desen/pictura, dar sunt mare fan de unii artisti din MtG. Am gasit recent un canal ce analizeaza cativa din magic artwork creators(posibil sa fi vazut si pe reddit astea): kgUoRDSHbb
Last edited by juzer (2017-06-28 10:58:24)
Silviu wrote:Nu am deloc talent cand vine vorba de desen/pictura, dar sunt mare fan de unii artisti din MtG. Am gasit recent un canal ce analizeaza cativa din magic artwork creators(posibil sa fi vazut si pe reddit astea): kgUoRDSHbbStasis
Your point?
Imprint doom blade into isochron scepter to kill the tokens. Not Crested Sunmare. Send a message.
In reference to the 'Dies to Doom Blade' meme, and since Aeon Hub is already an extremely narrow hate piece, the joke is why stop there when you can send a message, in reference to the 'Russian Foil Stomping Ground' meme.
Hope that explanation helps.