Topic: Darren's trade with Speediurdi

I'm not entirely sure if this is where I am meant to post this, but I figure that it is. If not, I apologize.

Link to trade:

So on the 15th of October, I had sent out for a trade with Speediurdi. He had told me that he was sending out on the 16th, but ended up sending on the 22nd. This wasn't really an issue. I received his cards on the 28th (He got mine on I believe the 22nd or 23rd), and tried to end up the trade, leaving feedback. However, Speediurdi logged off on the 25th of October, and has not been on since. He did not leave any feedback for me. I posted on the chat asking him to leave feedback if and when he logged back on, but I figure that this will resolve my issue quicker. Is there a way to get feedback for my end?


Edit: On a related note, I am having a similar issue with helgh4st, though he has been online since the completion of the trade. Not sure if this needs to be a separate thread or not.

Last edited by DarrenM (2013-11-06 04:02:11)

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: Darren's trade with Speediurdi

I am moving this to Site Feedback as it's not a BTR.

Hello Darren. We do not enforce leaving feedback, it's up to the traders to do so. The fact that you did not receive feedback does not influence your trade score so it should not be a problem.