Topic: Logins from multiple devices

It's probably a security feature you guys have implemented, but it's one I can find a tad bit annoying. Right now if I'm logged in on my PC then check the site on my iPad while on the couch, I have to login again on the iPad (Which then logs me out on the PC). So when I go back to the PC later I have to log in again, and so on and so on back and forth. It's not the end of the world, but it can be pretty annoying, especially since the iPad doesn't automatically remember/enter passwords for you.

It would be nice if the site allowed one to be able to be logged in from multiple devices at once. Perhaps have a session manager if you want people to be able to log out other rogue sessions like how Google and others do it.


Re: Logins from multiple devices

Hmm, this is actually not done on purpose. There have been reports of "remember me" problems a while back too.

We will check it out.

Re: Logins from multiple devices

Hmmm, I don't seem to have that problem. I log in from PC, Kindle Fire and my phone with zero log in. Sometimes all three at the same time. (Don't ask)

Hell, I think I forgot my password. hmm

Re: Logins from multiple devices

Huh, well I will try clearing out my cookies etc on both machines. I had been checking remember me when logging in on either device. I'll report back if the problem persists.


Re: Logins from multiple devices

I can confirm that you're not crazy, ZATZAi.  I login from multiple devices many times throughout the day.  Laptop, desktop, iPad and smart phone.  Sometimes I stay logged in on all of them for days, other times I am logged out of one device or another seemingly at random.  I will try to pay more attention to the situation now in case the information can be of service.

Re: Logins from multiple devices

Yah I just tried it again and it is still a problem. Logged out of Deckbox on my PC and cleared all my cookies and history then closed and restarted firefox. Cleared my cookies and history on my iPad 1 and closed / restarted Safari. Then I logged in on my PC via Firefox and it was fine and I closed Firefox as if I had walked away from the PC and it had shut down, then logged in on Safari on my iPad and that seemed fine (Making sure I had "Remember Me" checked on both when I logged in). I loaded up firefox on my PC again and went to deckbox, and I was logged out.

So still a problem.


Re: Logins from multiple devices

Ah now this time it did not log me out just now. However I kept Firefox open and logged in with Deckbox active in one of the tabs. Then I logged into Deckbox on my iPad and it did not log me out of my Firefox session. So it seems to happen if I am not actively using the site on one device and then log in with another device. Are you using Session IDs as opposed to simple cookies? Maybe the second device is being given a new session ID that doesn't match the first device, and when the second device tries to use the site with said session ID it is expired and thus logged out?

I don't see a session ID in the url, like one would normally expect with that method but there are other ways to do session IDs.

Last edited by ZATZAi (2012-03-22 19:02:05)


Re: Logins from multiple devices

Sounds like maybe its not remembering you correctly.

But I can say I don't see the problem when I login with other browsers, PCs, and mobile devices.

Its also very unusual for a Session ID to be yanked by another device, unless someone is exploiting something....

I'd speculate your local cookie is being deleted or the cookie auth_token is expiring too soon maybe.

Last edited by Vyr1s (2012-03-22 19:21:53)