Topic: G/W Standard

I have a selesnya deck I have been working on for a little while now, and I am not very sure about the build I have now being the best it could be. If anyone has some input to making it better then please do so. Also, I know that Voice of Resurgence is a nice audition, but getting my hands on a playset would be rather hard.

Main Deck:

Experiment One x4
Soldier of the Pantheon x4
Fleecemane Lion x4
Call of the Conclave x4
Scavenging Ooze x3
Boon Satyr x4
Loxodon Smiter x4

Gods Willing x3
Selesnya Charm x4
Advent of the Worm x4

Ajani, Caller of the Pride x2

Forest x7
Plains x7
Selesnya Guildgate x2
Temple Garden x4

Mistcutter Hydra x3
Sundering Growth x1
Pithing Needle x1
Trostani, Selesyna's Voice x3
Rootborn Defense x2
Unflintching Courage x3


I have messed around with the deck, but now I am unsure as to where to put things, what to put in, and what to get rid of.

Last edited by majormogley (2014-01-09 05:18:54)

Re: G/W Standard

Voice is nice and all, but I'd actually think you might have a better shot with this version than with Voice.  I get it's resilient and stops people from doing stuff on your turn, but a 2/2 for 2 in an G/W aggro build really just is out of place.

I could see perhaps moving a few things around here but for the most part it looks solid and any card substitutions will be up to you and your playstyle.

Personally I'd likely cut 1x Boon Satyr and 1x Scavenging Ooze to insert 2x Spear of Heliod for that added little bit of pump to finish the opponent off, but that might be just me.  I would also look into Precinct Captain in some quantity as T2 Captain, T3 Ajani with his -2 for flying double-strike, 4 damage, crap out two 1/1 soldiers is pretty good.

For the SB:

3x Mistcutter Hydra sounds about right as it's really your only shot against mono-blue.  I would also suggest looking into Last Breath for the board, as it can deal with Master of Waves and Gray Merchant.

Sundering Growth strikes me as a solid option in the board given that you already have the charm to exile the gods.  But only 1x?  I would up this to at least 2x if not 3x.

Pithing Needle is suuuuch a powerful card at the moment and really should be at least a 2x in most boards these days.  I would up the count if I were you as it can shut off PWs, Underworld Connections, creatures with monstrous, etc.

I will admit that I'm a HUGE fan of Trostani as a card and love her abilities, but I really don't think you need her in the board here.  In the event you're up against an aggro deck and life is relevant, your stuff is bigger than theirs and you can play on the defensive until you land Unflinching Courage on something and just use lifelink for the win.  So to that end, it's not like you'll need the added life gain or populate given that you're bigger and faster than most aggro strategies.

Rootborn Defenses is a card I'm somewhat on the fence about here.  It seems such a natural inclusion, and I would probably leave it alone because it stops sweepers AND populates, but on the flip side, you already have Advent of the Wurm and Boon Satyr which allow you to completely play around wipes as though they're not even there... so to that end, I don't know if the defenses are necessary anymore.

In either event, you're sitting on a good list and will likely have some luck with it.

Re: G/W Standard

And there isn't really any reason to bump something that hasn't even been up for a day and already sits atop the forum...

Re: G/W Standard

play against this deck alot... /sigh i hate it lol think its this list - the call of the conclave... they run voices and its a pretty big threat game1, games 2-3 still a threat but can be exiled and move on but ive been wondering about maybe banisher priest?... even just as an extra lock down poluk/mirror....etc
i like this deck if i hadnt invested time and a bunch of trades into G/R and Mono-Blue id be playing this
the advent then next turn rootborn is just great , even if u pop the voice token ur in good shape... and fleecemane is a beast, lox is good especially if someone thoughtseizes it tongue

Re: G/W Standard … -Wurm.html

Check out this article.  It pretty much summarizes where you want to be with G/W aggro and explains, with pretty good reasons why.

Re: G/W Standard

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Voice is nice and all, but I'd actually think you might have a better shot with this version than with Voice.  I get it's resilient and stops people from doing stuff on your turn, but a 2/2 for 2 in an G/W aggro build really just is out of place.

I could see perhaps moving a few things around here but for the most part it looks solid and any card substitutions will be up to you and your playstyle.

Personally I'd likely cut 1x Boon Satyr and 1x Scavenging Ooze to insert 2x Spear of Heliod for that added little bit of pump to finish the opponent off, but that might be just me.  I would also look into Precinct Captain in some quantity as T2 Captain, T3 Ajani with his -2 for flying double-strike, 4 damage, crap out two 1/1 soldiers is pretty good.

For the SB:

3x Mistcutter Hydra sounds about right as it's really your only shot against mono-blue.  I would also suggest looking into Last Breath for the board, as it can deal with Master of Waves and Gray Merchant.

Sundering Growth strikes me as a solid option in the board given that you already have the charm to exile the gods.  But only 1x?  I would up this to at least 2x if not 3x.

Pithing Needle is suuuuch a powerful card at the moment and really should be at least a 2x in most boards these days.  I would up the count if I were you as it can shut off PWs, Underworld Connections, creatures with monstrous, etc.

I will admit that I'm a HUGE fan of Trostani as a card and love her abilities, but I really don't think you need her in the board here.  In the event you're up against an aggro deck and life is relevant, your stuff is bigger than theirs and you can play on the defensive until you land Unflinching Courage on something and just use lifelink for the win.  So to that end, it's not like you'll need the added life gain or populate given that you're bigger and faster than most aggro strategies.

Rootborn Defenses is a card I'm somewhat on the fence about here.  It seems such a natural inclusion, and I would probably leave it alone because it stops sweepers AND populates, but on the flip side, you already have Advent of the Wurm and Boon Satyr which allow you to completely play around wipes as though they're not even there... so to that end, I don't know if the defenses are necessary anymore.

In either event, you're sitting on a good list and will likely have some luck with it.

That is a nice point about voice, he doesnt do anything till you get a token, and even then its all the token and not him doing work.

From playing this quite a bit, cutting a Boon Satyr may be a good thing considerinf its double green cost can keep in in my hand at times, and Scooze is quite nice, but I can see a two of working better since it isn't always needed or useful. I never considered spear, but I think I may test it because the +1/+1 pump is quite nice, and if I need to destroy something, thats even better. The Precinct Captain I have gotten a playset of for the deck, but I wasn't sure how well it would work, but i think it'll have a nice spot. And another white card I've collected for it I think I will maybe try Banisher Priest too.

Last Wave I have seen, but I wasn't sure if it was worth it for the 4 life, but seeing how much damage I will deal, it doesnt matter for what its taking care of especially.

From what I have seen of it, its a x2 atleast, and I was thinking of running more, but I wasnt sure how much it would do for me. And Pithing Needle was a x2, but I took one out because of some of my sideboards I had that didn't do much, but I seemed to think they might. Admittedly I didn't fully side for specific matchups which I know is the main idea of them. So far though I haven't used Pithing yet, but with the decks that are at my shop I will be seeing uses for them.

I like her quite a lot as you can tell by the 3 copies in the sideboard that were once a 2 of main board. Ill be taking her out though because when she was in use she didnt help all that much, and just getting her out was somewhat of a waste of resources.

Thank you, I am hoping that it will turn out alright. Feel like I am taking away from it by working on about 3 other decks as well.

Re: G/W Standard

TyWooOneTime wrote:

And there isn't really any reason to bump something that hasn't even been up for a day and already sits atop the forum...

Sorry, I am not quite use to these forums compared to the type of posting I did on another site where if you didn't, it would get buried by the other topics.

Re: G/W Standard

Eliterawr wrote:

play against this deck alot... /sigh i hate it lol think its this list - the call of the conclave... they run voices and its a pretty big threat game1, games 2-3 still a threat but can be exiled and move on but ive been wondering about maybe banisher priest?... even just as an extra lock down poluk/mirror....etc
i like this deck if i hadnt invested time and a bunch of trades into G/R and Mono-Blue id be playing this
the advent then next turn rootborn is just great , even if u pop the voice token ur in good shape... and fleecemane is a beast, lox is good especially if someone thoughtseizes it tongue

I have only seen one other form of this deck, and it was rather lacking in my opition considering my Standard Goblin deck could steam roll it as long as it didn't drag on too far. I have banishers, but I wasn't sure about tehm myself so they stayed out. I would possibly go for R/G if I hadn't invested in Mono-Blue lol. Just can't wait till Born comes out for those scry lands!

Re: G/W Standard

drock007 wrote: … -Wurm.html

Check out this article.  It pretty much summarizes where you want to be with G/W aggro and explains, with pretty good reasons why.

Its alright, but not really what id like playing, considering there are other cards I would rather Main boad. It looks like it would work quite well, but its a bit similar to my U/G Flash Deck that I am almost finished with running both Skylasher and Boon Satyr. So running that in this deck as well makes me kind od ehh lol. But thank you for the source regardless, may help me with quantity!