Re: [RTR] Return to Ravnica
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Ohh look! A shitty counterspell! Wasn't expecting that at all!
Ohh look! A shitty counterspell! Wasn't expecting that at all!
Condescend chiar era bun si daca nu ma insel este jucat inca in modern Tron, insa fara linia cu "Scry X" nu vad un viitor stralucit pentru Syncopate
Last edited by dunkelgraf (2012-09-08 06:52:39)
ma uitasem , nu stiu cum au scapat
woha!! i'd like some Mutilate with this AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Last edited by nightride (2012-09-08 20:36:44)
it's fucking beautiful :'(
it's fucking beautiful :'(
it is! e interesant ca zice beginning of each combat.. creaturi nu au mai fost printate cu acest wording pana acum..
worst case scenario probabil va fi impotriva la ceva gen selesnya care produce constant cate un token si ii mai da cate un detain din cand in cand, iar best case probabil control care joaca 2 creaturi pe care nu vrea sa le sacrifice
..cineva si-a dat silinta aici sa sorteze spoilerele dupa gilde:
Looks awesome!
..dafuq !? e un pic absurd sa pui un 5/6 in tura 1 si sa mai ramai cu 3 carti in mana cu care poate reusesti sa il protejezi. sunt foarte curios ce removal vom avea sa ne scapam de asta in tura 1 on the draw
GameMaster wrote:
..dafuq !? e un pic absurd sa pui un 5/6 in tura 1 si sa mai ramai cu 3 carti in mana cu care poate reusesti sa il protejezi. sunt foarte curios ce removal vom avea sa ne scapam de asta in tura 1 on the draw
A se mentiona: cartea exilata trebuie sa fie spell, deci pe stack.
Iau counter la un spell? Exilez in raspuns.
Pretty sweet
A se mentiona: cartea exilata trebuie sa fie spell, deci pe stack.
Iau counter la un spell? Exilez in raspuns.Pretty sweet
..asa da. data viitoare promit sa citesc cartea inainte sa postez
Underworld Connections 1BB
Enchantment - Aura Rare
Enchant Land
Enchanted Land has "{T}, Pay 1 life: Draw a card""If you need it, it's available. The question is: how much are you willing to pay?"
Illus. Yeong-Hau Han
Dunno about you guys, but i can't take a card which says "Pesca una carta" seriously
Last edited by Ionut (2012-09-10 08:01:24)
Dunno about you guys, but i can't take a card which says "Pesca una carta" seriously
..good one! but srsly, i like this a lot. could have been uncommon tho`
go fish?
On topic now, ar putea merge ca si 3 drop in ceva UB control? Sau mono-B control?