Topic: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

I have a Beta Underground Sea NM card I just happen to come across.  I'm letting you guys make reasonable offers.  I have looked it up and have a min offer price in mind.

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Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

Not interested, but I took a look at the picture out of curiosity, and I'm not sure how that can be labeled NM...

Always looking for modern and legacy staples.

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

Not NM

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

Would also be good to have a pic of backside

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

PerfectSpecimen wrote:

Would also be good to have a pic of backside

I can't help but smile at this comment.

GL with the sale!  Here's a free bump.

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

That is a nice EX sea you have (images of the back of the card pending).  Are you looking to trade it?  If so, what sort of things are you looking for? FBB duals? High end legacy foils?  Please let me know.

Last edited by grossoggodeckbox (2014-02-19 03:02:56)

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

On second glance it is pretty funny. "Word play big_smile"

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

Do all Beta cards have that double border thing going on?  You can definitely see something at each of the "inner" corners.

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

asrttyoxo wrote:

Do all Beta cards have that double border thing going on?  You can definitely see something at each of the "inner" corners.

Yes, they do.  That looks like a real beta sea, based on the dot pattern and the shape of the corners.

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

Saw your post on Facebook.  Looks like SCG wants to buy this card for $2000 … amp;type=1

Picture of the back: … amp;type=1

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

I'm a pretty interested buyer. $2k seems a tad high for me though. If you're willing to talk under that I'd be interested.

Re: Beta Underground Sea - Serious Offers Plz

I'm interested as well but I must see the backside before I make an offer.