Topic: Selesnya Aggro Deck Review PLZ why is my deck not showing as standard and if it is not standard why? any suggestions?

Last edited by xeph555 (2014-03-03 17:57:28)

Re: Selesnya Aggro Deck Review PLZ

The deck appears to be standard legal.  The reason it is not identifying as such has to do with the set and format legality definitions (which Sebi has assured me he is in the process of updating).

From a more deck-centric perspective, I would say that there are a few sub-optimal cards in the deck that you could easily swap out.  For instance, Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage will almost always end up just being a 2/2 for 2 - not definitely a bad thing, but it certainly doesn't advance the aggro strategy in the ways you want.  I could see dropping these for a pair of Banisher Priests or Brimaz, King of Oreskos (budget willing of course).  Additionally, I think Unflinching Courage would be better served in the sideboard - as it opens the chance of getting two-for-one'd in several scenarios.  You could easily slide in a variety of cards in its place - Precinct Captain, Spear of Heliod, or even Hunter's Prowess (nothing like an aggro deck that can reload its hand with a single swing).

I can see the appeal of 1x Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for more mid-range games.  But perhaps you might move her to the board too in exchange for some number of Courser of Kruphix (it's not exactly an aggro card, but it helps provide card advantage AND life gain)?

Re: Selesnya Aggro Deck Review PLZ

Thanks for the help smile