Topic: getting back on the FNM horse with.. grixis?

So, I have a deck that is basically this grixis one by bbd: … e-Kid.html

With maybe some different sideboard choices, the new bng temples, etc, that I have been playimg casually for some months. Recently my lgs has started a friday and sunday fnm style event and I wanted to take this deck. However, before I do I was wondering if you fine folks could offer any suggestions to make this deck shine in the current meta.
Much appreciates.

here is the list I have slapped together:
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Last edited by 100005037343704 (2014-03-15 08:01:08)

Re: getting back on the FNM horse with.. grixis?

So a few thoughts.

1) Master of Cruelties seems to be essentially your only win-con in game 1.  Monoblack devotion will simply scoff at this (they have TONS of answers).  R/G "Monsters" (I really HATE when people call them monsters and not creatures...) will likely flood the board out with stuff that you don't really have answers to and could easily just chump him while they smash you.  U/W control can also answer him relatively easily - Jace, Architect of Thought's +1 actually just blanks your win-con.  I would suggest finding room to move at least 2x Aetherling into the main to give you at least SOME backup plan.

2) Quicken is here just for the cantrip, no?  It strikes me that you would be better suited to simply have another removal or draw spell here - I'm thinking Dreadbore, Hero's Downfall, something along these lines.

3) Rakdos's Return is a tremendously underrated card that can be absolutely backbreaking.  I would suggest upping the count in the main - it can also take out a PW while causing the opponent to empty their hand as you can redirect the damage while still forcing them to discard.

4) 2x Shock?  It might cost 1 more, but Magma Jet would at least  help you with card sorting.

5) I know they're getting a TON of play at the moment, but Desecration Demon fits nicely into your plan here as they offer a hard to answer threat that can both help stabilize the board for you, but more importantly give you SOME sort of an added threat.  In a pinch Hypersonic Dragon is a really underrated threat if you're trying to work on a budget... certainly not optimal, but an option to consider.

6) Anger of the Gods can be really backbreaking for a lot of decks... I'd think maybe going up to 3x in the main could be good.

7) Some other cards to consider in some number include: Slaughter Games, Hero's Downfall, Erebos, God of the Dead, and Pack Rat (it's lame, but it works...).

I really want Grixis to work myself, but I think we're going to have to wait until Journey spoils and we get both Keranos and the Izzet scry land before it's really going to be viable... and even then it's something of a crap-shoot.

Certainly give it a go, but I can say that I played someone running almost this exact list on earlier and I was running a REALLY rough, actually pretty bad, Junk list and I simply steamrolled him.  The more polished decks (tier 1) won't even slow down...