Topic: [H] Most Pod things-Some T2-Sliver Queen[W] High End Cube things

So I have most of pod.
-Arid Mesa
-4x Grove of the Burnwillows
-Sliver Queen
-2x Chord of Calling
-4x Birthing Pod
-Elspeth Sun's Champion

I am looking for a lot of things including
-Revised Duals
-Cube Legends cards, Mana Drain, Moat, The Abyss, Tabernacle,  etc
-Some high value lands, Rishadan Port, Wasteland, Gaea's Cradle
-A couple other random cards

At a lower priority I am looking for foils of any cards listed here … utput=html

Re: [H] Most Pod things-Some T2-Sliver Queen[W] High End Cube things


Re: [H] Most Pod things-Some T2-Sliver Queen[W] High End Cube things

Interested in pods take a look

Re: [H] Most Pod things-Some T2-Sliver Queen[W] High End Cube things

trade sent

Re: [H] Most Pod things-Some T2-Sliver Queen[W] High End Cube things
