Topic: i can no longer see the values of collections

It used to be that you'd go to View -> Show Value and that that'd work on any collection. Now that can't be done.

I guess that feature was removed for privacy concerns, but personally, I liked it. If you want privacy then maybe you should mark your collection as private. Maybe it could be re-added? big_smile

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

akfox wrote:

It used to be that you'd go to View -> Show Value and that that'd work on any collection. Now that can't be done.

I guess that feature was removed for privacy concerns, but personally, I liked it. If you want privacy then maybe you should mark your collection as private. Maybe it could be re-added? big_smile

It works for me - I used it on my inventory (which is also marked as private, incidentally) as well as my tradelist and wishlist. Worked on all of them for me.

Is the option not there, or is it that when you click on it nothing happens?

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

I can't use it on other peoples collections. I can use it on my own collection just fine.

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

Yep, this was intended, for privacy reasons.

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

For privacy reasons? We can still export it and add it all up.
All it's doing is creating more work for users. I don't understand how that's a privacy issue - the user is willingly showing all of their information. It's a simple feature to have it added up for us.

If the user wants to make his tradelist and inventory public - why can't we get a complete value out of it? All you have to do is add it up. A human can do it.

Last edited by jmigliore (2014-08-19 16:42:25)

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

jmigliore wrote:

For privacy reasons? We can still export it and add it all up.
All it's doing is creating more work for users. I don't understand how that's a privacy issue - the user is willingly showing all of their information. It's a simple feature to have it added up for us.

If the user wants to make his tradelist and inventory public - why can't we get a complete value out of it? All you have to do is add it up. A human can do it.

+1.  Not that I particularly care about being able to see the value of another user's collection, but jmigliore is absolutely correct in that no one's privacy is being protected here, as the collection value is of course still there be had by anyone with the time and inclination to add it all up.  This means that people who just have an innocent, idle curiosity -- "gee, I wonder how much IronMagus' trade list is worth..." -- won't be able to find out, because they won't care enough to go to all that trouble, but if someone wanted the information for more...nefarious reasons (whatever those might be), it's still right there for the taking.  This doesn't seem to solve any problems, and only adds more of them for those who weren't doing anything wrong to begin with.

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

@ jmigliore and IronMagus

Removing the total value from inventories absolutely helps prevent malicious activity. Making the total value just that little bit (or a lot, in some cases) more difficult to figure out can definitely deter would-be thieves simply because of the time and work involved. I'm not trying to say that this is necessarily the best possible solution, but it absolutely does make a difference.

I personally think it's kind of interesting to know the value of other people's inventories, but losing that option in no way affected my use of DB. What do you need the total value for? I am absolutely not saying this is your intention and I don't think that it is, but the only reason I can think of is theft or other malicious activities.

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

Kammikaze wrote:

@ jmigliore and IronMagus

Removing the total value from inventories absolutely helps prevent malicious activity. Making the total value just that little bit (or a lot, in some cases) more difficult to figure out can definitely deter would-be thieves simply because of the time and work involved.

"View tradelist, sort by price" seems like it would give a potential thief much more valuable information than knowing someone's collection value.  Yes, there's ten thousand dollars there, but is that a few dozen dual lands, or 10,000 junk rares?

It's like putting all your valuables in the front yard, and then locking the gate.  Now your friends can't come over to visit, but a thief can still just hop over the fence.  Yes, it's a little more work to hop the fence versus just walk through the gate, but this is only going to deter the most casual of would-be thieves.  Someone who really wants that new dual-deck VCR cassette recorder with stereo sound is going to come take it whether the gate's open or not.

Last edited by IronMagus (2014-08-19 18:13:52)

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

IronMagus wrote:
Kammikaze wrote:

@ jmigliore and IronMagus

Removing the total value from inventories absolutely helps prevent malicious activity. Making the total value just that little bit (or a lot, in some cases) more difficult to figure out can definitely deter would-be thieves simply because of the time and work involved.

"View tradelist, sort by price" seems like it would give a potential thief much more valuable information than knowing someone's collection value.  Yes, there's ten thousand dollars there, but is that a few dozen dual lands, or 10,000 junk rares?

It's like putting all your valuables in the front yard, and then locking the gate.  Now your friends can't come over to visit, but a thief can still just hop over the fence.  Yes, it's a little more work to hop the fence versus just walk through the gate, but this is only going to deter the most casual of would-be thieves.

I really don't think the value breakdown of the cards matters. Which do you think would be more easily noticed by the magic community: 10,000 bulk rares of which there are probably millions in print OR a set of 40 dual lands? I would bet you good money that the magic community would recognize the dual lands over the bulk rares if they showed up on ebay or the High End Magic FB group. If I were a thief I would try to avoid the big ticket, easily recognized cards and focus on the cards that people aren't likely to give a second thought about.

I honestly think that "little more work" is enough to prevent enough thefts from happening that it's worth the rest of us losing the neat, but unnecessary feature.

Last edited by Kammikaze (2014-08-19 18:20:29)

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

Kammikaze wrote:

I really don't think the value breakdown of the cards matters. Which do you think would be more easily noticed by the magic community: 10,000 bulk rares of which there are probably millions in print OR a set of 40 dual lands? I would bet you good money that the magic community would recognize the dual lands over the bulk rares if they showed up on ebay or the High End Magic FB group. If I were a thief I would try to avoid the big ticket, easily recognized cards and focus on the cards that people aren't likely to give a second thought about.

I honestly think that "little more work" is enough to prevent enough thefts from happening that it's worth the rest of us losing the neat, but unnecessary feature.

I suppose that's a good point.  I guess I just wasn't thinking like a thief wink.  In the end, you're right, it is just a "neat, but unnecessary feature."

Re: i can no longer see the values of collections

I don't know. If, as a magic player, I were inclined to steal from another player, I'd absolutely want to get the 40 dual lands, and I'd probably sort the collection to find out if he had anything good at all before I did it. I'd also probably go on craigslist, buy a collection of random cards of a similar size off of some random dude that lives 8 hours away, pitch a bunch of crap, and if it ever came down to me being accused of stealing the original guy's collection, claim that it was in that guy's 200 dollar collection, and he must not have known what he had. See, here's the emails we sent. No, I never asked his name.

If I were a thief looking for something to steal from someone, and I wasn't a magic player, I wouldn't be looking on Deckbox for something to steal, because I never would have heard of deckbox. I'd probably just wait for someone to throw out a TV box or a PS4 box and hit that house.