Topic: H: Dark Depths, TNN, tradelist W: Legacy/EDH

My LGS procured a box of Coldsnap for prizes yesterday and I was lucky enough to pull a Dark Depths! It went straight from pack to sleeve so still in minty fresh condition. I also have a True Name Nemesis that I'd like to trade away, as well as anything else on my tradelist you'd like.

In return, I'm looking for some valuable Legacy or EDH cards. In approximate priority order, I'm looking for:
* Flusterstorm
* Scroll Rack
* Sneak Attack
* Lion's Eye Diamond

Anything else on my Wishlist is fair game, although I value some of them more than others. If interested, please open a trade involving one or more of the above cards and I'll see what I like.

Thanks for looking!

Re: H: Dark Depths, TNN, tradelist W: Legacy/EDH

Would also accept trades involving Cavern of Souls. Let me know!