Topic: Importing CSV from Magic Assistant

I have been working on cataloging my collection in Magic Assistant, but when I export the collection from there to CSV and try to import it to deckbox, it seems to just hang on "Working. Please wait..." and never completes the import. Is this possible? Thoughts? Suggestions?

I can import a simple card list, but it doesn't include the set for each card or any other flags.

Last edited by 24402870 (2014-10-17 17:26:01)

Re: Importing CSV from Magic Assistant

Could you send us the csv at I'd like to take a look and try importing it.

Re: Importing CSV from Magic Assistant

Actually it might just be that the columns are not named the same way. I improved the error reporting a bit on our side, so after trying to import it now you should see which columns in the csv file we do not recognize.

I will take a look at the magic assistant format, perhaps it would be cool to just have a "Import Magic Assistant File" there in the menu.