Topic: (Modern) Esper Vamp

Looking to build a semi-budget ($150 max) deck to play in casual games.

The goal of this deck is to get as much value from Defiant Bloodlord and Sanguine Bond while also gaining a lot of life


What could I change to make this better?

Re: (Modern) Esper Vamp

Will first off I would say not to use Defiant Bloodlord. Way too expensive for a deck. If you really want to go the path of Sanguine Bond than I would say go for the combo of Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood. This is an infinite combo to kill your opponent. Also, do not run only two Rune Snags. This card only works if you have 4 in a deck. So either cut those entirely or go up to four.

Re: (Modern) Esper Vamp

Agree with Valdor. I would also Say I think Idyllic Tutor is really expensive card for a semi-competitive deck like this. I'd consider going into BGW instead. with Essence Warden/Soul's Attendant/Soul Warden/Blood Baron Vizkopa and Commune with the Gods?

This frees up budget space for Path to Exile (and maybe even some nice lands/Abrupt Decay?!)