Topic: Just for grins...

So I'm in the process of building my Krenko/Talrand pairing deck... but the thought came to mind that I might enjoy playing with those two fellows in decks that perhaps are a little less serious.

The first one is here: - it borrows the Rootbound Crags and Strangleroot Geists from my Heroin Hero and Momm! He's Touching Me decks; the Krenko's Commands, Goblin Chieftains, and Krenko, Mob Bosses come from the Krenko/Talrand deck.

The goal here is simple, I can win one of two ways, I either drop them via an overrun of tokens (but what fun is that?) OR, more amusingly, I attack enough times with those tokens/Geists to charge Druids' Repository enough to win via Door to Nothingness.  Four Rummaging Goblins help me burn through the deck to find what I'm looking for.  2x Elixir of Immortality allows me to dump things that might be useful later for the sake of getting it rolling, as I can cycle back to get them later.

My gut feel is that this would get destroyed at FNM, but I think the better question is, does anyone think I would be able to pull off at least 2-3 DtN wins?  Because I really think that would make it worth losing a fair bit.  Or, if you have thoughts as per to how to make this competitive, I'm game.

The second deck is here:

The second is another dual win-con deck.  This one plays off Talrand, Sky Summoner and his merfolky and drake buddies to either beat the opponent to death; OR, I can mill my opponent to death via Mind Sculpt, Archaeomancer and Ghostly Flicker.  I can flicker two Archaeomancers to get back two Mind Sculpts and cost the opponent another 14 cards.

I actually think this could be mildly competitive, but I would imagine I need to include some more counter-magic to really get to that point.  I'm game to snag some Mana Leaks or Negates from other decks, but would want to know what to drop to make room.  Realistically here, I just want to actually win a few games via mill, because, well, that'd be sweet (not quite DtN sweet, but fun nonetheless).

Again, the idea here is just to have a little fun with some cards I'm already looking to acquire for some more serious decks.  But if either one strikes you as having some promise, by all means, let the discussion for how they could be good commence.

Last edited by TyWooOneTime (2012-08-18 21:33:07)

Re: Just for grins...

I have a deck that includes Krenko's Command, Krenko, Mob Boss, and Goblin Chieftan. It was Red-Green with mana ramping elves.  It does great in casual play, but barely held its own in FNM last night.  Taking some suggestions from the best player in the house, I stripped out most of the Green, leaving only two Garruk Relentless and Huntmaster of the Fells. I put plenty of burn in there, Goblin Arsonist, Mogg Flunkies, Arms Dealer, and Goblin Fireslinger. Chandra, the Firebrandturned out to be a great addition, too.

It may only have two months left of play, but it took me to third place in today's four-round Saturday Magic tournament (beaten only by a true Tier 1 Zombie/Artifact deck), so I'm very happy with it.  I'll post the config as soon as I have a chance to sort the cards.

Update: I did post the configuration, and a thread looking for opinions.  Perhaps, between the two of us, we can tweak these decks into serious Tier 1 contenders.

Last edited by HikingStick (2012-08-21 01:49:02)

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Just for grins...

HikingStick - I just commented on your deck, hopefully that will be of some help.

With regard to the one I've pieced together here, again, I'm not really looking to make this thing dominate by any means.  Rather, I'm really wanting to mislead my opponent into thinking that I'm running some crazy aggro goblin ramp deck, when in reality, my goal is to charge Druids' Repository enough to pull off a Door to Nothingness win.

To that end, I'm sure I could work in more burn spells to help against flyers and the like, but with that in mind, any other thoughts?

Also, anyone have any thoughts on the merfolk mill action going on in the other deck I posted?


Re: Just for grins...

Merfolk mill needs to be slowed way way down, you'll get killed way before you ever get a chance to mill someone to death, IMO, you just don't have any early blockers that can stop anything aside from the Phantasms which don't really do too much for you unless the deck is doing pretty well anyway.

To slow it down you'll probably have to pull away from merfolk tribal, and add Fog Bank and unsummon (Not vapor Snag you'll often want to save your own creatures and you don't care about damage) cause otherwise I don't see it working out too well since they'll just run right through you

Re: Just for grins...

Thanks for the input.  To be honest, I'm thinking the mill deck is going to get scrapped.  The input I received over at TappedOut was similar, saying the deck was too diffuse and not focused enough.  sad

On the other hand, it led me to start thinking about my Win, Lose, or Draw? deck and those combos.

Go figure, Talrand, for all his epic awesomeness, is difficult to build around.

Re: Just for grins...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Go figure, Talrand, for all his epic awesomeness, is difficult to build around.

Tell me about it, I wish he was just one mana cheaper (and maybe 2 colors), as he is I just can't find a good place for him sad