Topic: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Dragilor, ne apropiem cu pasi repezi de un eveniment mult asteptat - revenirea pe Ravnica.
Ce alt mod mai bun de a reveni pe Ravnica decat un Pre-release care se va desfasura mult mai diferit decat un Pre-release normal deoarece fiecare participant va putea alege o ghilda pentru care sa joace si va primi urmatoarele produse:

>  5 Boostere Return To Ravnica.
>  1 Booster de Ghilda ce va contine doar carti din acea ghilda.
>  Cartea Promo de Prerelease (in total vor f 5 carti promo, cate una pentru fiecare ghilda)
  - mentiune: aceasta carte va putea fi jucata la Prerelease.
>  Zar cu simbolul ghildei alese.
>  Un sticker cu simbolul ghildei alese.
>  O scrisoare de la liderul ghildei alese.
>  O fisa cu challenges ce pot fi facute in acea zi, cate una pentru fiecare ghilda.

Spre deosebire de alte Prerelease-uri, acum trebuie ca fiecare dintre voi sa isi aleaga ghilda pentru care va juca la eveniment. Alegerea trebuie facuta pana la data de 15 septembrie 2012. Pentru a va usura munca la alegere am luat cateva extrase din fiecare ghilda si le-am postat mai jos pentru a va face o idee ce vreti sa jucati.
Azorius Senate [WHITE/BLUE]
My Law. My Judgment. My Guild.

Also known as the High Judges, the Azorius Senate is Ravnica’s ostensible government. The guild considers itself to be the mediator and controller of all other guilds’ activities, even though most of its countless decrees are largely ignored.

The Azorius Senate does wield real power, and other guilds are aware that if the Azorius had their way, they would be in charge over the entire metropolis. The Azorius’s reach has waxed and waned depending on economics, cultural trends, and other guilds’ activities.
Rakdos Cult [RED/BLACK]
My Chaos. My Carnage. My Guild.

The Rakdos Cult is a large group of hedonists, sadists, criminals, and psychopaths under the leadership of a powerful demon named Rakdos. The Rakdos Cult combines an instinctual bloodlust and desire for power. They’re sadistic and cruel simply for the fun of it. Opportunistic violence is their modus operandi. Mayhem and personal enjoyment is their goal. They want Ravnica to bow to their whims and anything that gets in their way—or happens to be walking by—is fair game.

Rakdos lacks a formal structure. The cult members despise rules or anything that curtails their freedom, so there are no laws other than the precept to please their demonic master. On the surface, the activities of the guild are run by loosely affiliated “Rings,” each led by a Ringmaster, and each with its own sphere of influence, commodities, and cult followers.
Golgari Swarm [GREEN/BLACK]
My Darkness. My Horde. My Guild.

The Golgari Swarm fuses the opposite values of life and death, fostering growth in Ravnica's decaying communities but also fostering decay in places of growth. The elves, zombies, insects, and undead/plant hybrids of the Golgari are like one massive growing, feeding organism, collectively spreading across the plane wherever they can fit. The Golgari provide a necessary service in Ravnica: they dispose of the carcasses civilization leaves behind, and mysteriously they also provide sustenance for the forgotten and the needy. They are the scavengers and decomposers at the fringes of the food chain, but yearn to be the predators at the top.

The Golgari guild is organized more like a single organism than a collective. It has a nucleus or nerve center that drives the direction and growth of the guild, elements that collect nutrients and convert them into usable resources, defenses that fight off foreign bodies, and an instinctual drive to survive, reproduce, and overcome.
Izzet League [BLUE/RED]
My Ingenuity. My Obsession. My Guild.

The Izzet are obsessive experimenters, the epitome of keen creative intellect combined with an unfortunately short attention span. The original mandate of the Izzet guild was to provide solutions for public works projects (sewers, boilers, roadways), but their experiments often produce mana geysers, spatial rifts, or arcane portals instead. As of late, their guildmaster, the dragon Niv-Mizzet, has driven the Izzet to delve deeper and deeper into more dangerous and experimental magic. The purpose of these experiments is unknown.
Selesnya Conclave [WHITE/GREEN]
My Belief. My People. My Guild.

The Selesnya guild sees itself as the voice of Mat’Selesnya, a mysterious consciousness they believe to be the manifestation of nature itself. All within the guild are considered mouthpieces of that singular voice, and they seek to expand their guild by evangelizing their message and adding members. The Selesnya message is personal as well as public: individuals must silence their own consciousness in order to hear the will of their guildmaster, a three-headed dryad who is the spiritual transmitter of Mat’Selesnya.

The guild’s goal is to subsume the identities of individual members, transforming them into instruments of the Conclave. Selesnya has an immense reach. The guild is spread across Ravnica. Each settlement, called a vernadi, is a small commune built around a central tree and led by a dryad leader. The vernadi expand outward from Vitu-Ghazi, and all are connected through an underground network of roots.

Setul va avea 274 de carti (dintre care 25 vor fi basic lands - prin urmare 249 carti cu totul felul de abiilitati noi si unele reprint-uri savuroase)

Ce mai stim despre RTR si merita mentionat?

> va fi un set cu tema multicolora
> vor reveni cartile Hybrid
> sunt sanse 90% sa se reprinteze Shock Land-urile -  pentru referinta cititi aici
> se reintoarce Jace ca si planeswalker
> toti liderii de ghilda vor avea o carte nou-nouta
> de asemenea, fiecare ghilda va avea cate un guildmage nou-nout (de data aceasta nu vor mai avea cost hybrid ci multicolor dar cei de la Wizards promit ca vor fi mult mai buni)

Exemplu: de

Data: 29 septembrie 2012
Ora: 10:30
Locație: Cafe Enigma, Str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 
Format: Sealed (6 boostere incluse în taxa de participare 5 x RTR BOOSTER PACKS + 1 x GUILD BOOSTER PACK)
Runde: în funcție de nr de participanţi
Locuri disponibile: 35

Premii: în funcție de nr de participanţi - calculat la 34
Locul 1: 20 boostere RTR
Locul 2: 12 boostere  RTR
Locul 3: 7 boostere  RTR
Locul 4: 7 boostere  RTR
Locul 5: 4 boostere  RTR
Locul 6: 4 boostere  RTR
Locul 7: 3 boostere  RTR
Locul 8: 3  boostere  RTR
Locul 9: 2 booster  RTR
Locul 10: 1 booster RTR
Locul 11: 1 booster RTR
Locul 12: 1 booster RTR
Locul 13: 1 booster RTR
Locul 14: 1 booster RTR
Locul 15: 1 booster RTR
+ premii speciale ce pot fi castigate de oricare dintre participanti.

Taxa de participare: 120 lei

Inscrieri se fac aici!
Totusi, in acest post veti alege ghilda asa ca puteti incepe inscrierea chiar de acum.
Puteti selecta si sus dar este foarte important sa si postati mai jos ghilda aleasa.

Promo cards:

NOTA: Promo card-urile nu vor inlocui rara din booster-ul de ghilda. Confirmat de Aaron Forsythe pe Twitter :

IMPORTANT:  fiecare jucator va alege o singura ghilda (in limita stocului).

Eu aleg IZZET!

Azorius Senate (full)

  1. Daniel Seica

  2. Silviu Mayer

  3. Rares Dadarlat

  4. Alex Boca

  5. TehAuthor

  6. Trombitas Sr.

  7. Burzo Ionut

Izzet League (full)

  1. Tudor Grigoroaia

  2. Lehel Valics

  3. Mircea Purdea

  4. Nagy Gyozo

  5. Adi Prunas

  6. Mihai Costin

  7. Alexandru Marginean

Golgari Swarm (full)

  1. Tonysnake

  2. Doru But

  3. Zita Kocs

  4. Alexandra Anghel

  5. Kiraly Lajos

  6. Gabi Orban

  7. Burzo Marius

Selesnya Conclave

  1. Vlad Ferariu

  2. Szabo Peter

  3. Victor Rosensveig

  4. Razvan Jurca

  5. Bacea Daniel

  6. Oscar Ivanus

  7. Oros Bogdan

Rakdos Cult (full)

  1. Ioana Fotache

  2. Ioan Netea

  3. Erdo Csaba

  4. Trombitas Jr.

  5. Bodea Andrei

  6. ...

  7. ...

Guild-less people (urmeaza sa vedem daca se suplimenteaza cu ghilde)

Oricare dintre voi poate confirma Selesnya sau Rakdos.

Last edited by TudorGrigoroaia (2012-09-28 17:57:27)

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

sper sa nu fie ceva ca la MBS, cu o factiune OP


Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Repet, fiecare sa posteze pt ce ghilda opteaza. Votul de sus este doar orientativ.

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Give me chaos, give me carnage, give me freedom!


LE: Tudorakis, tot respectul pentru prezentarea excelentă a avenimentului și a facțiunilor eligibile!

Last edited by Rarres (2012-08-29 06:19:42)

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Damn, and I thought I made a decent post... Bravo Tudore, chiar excelent!

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Joining the Conclave - Selesnya!

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Vă sfătuiesc să intrați pe Planeswalker Points și să vă alegeți ghilda (evident nu doar acolo). O grămadă de achievements-uri vă așteaptă iar Ghilda are nevoie de voi pentru supremația în Ravnica smile

Join now!

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Go Golgari !

In sfirsit poate o sa pot juca si eu BG decent big_smile

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

@ Tudor: am updatat post-ul tau cu link catre event (pentru inscrieri)

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

singerete wrote:

@ Tudor: am updatat post-ul tau cu link catre event (pentru inscrieri)


Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Daca ajung, aleg Dimir ...

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

lvalics wrote:

Daca ajung, aleg Dimir ...

La Gatecrash te referi? In Februarie?

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

My bad :-))))))

Izzet !!!!

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

prognoza la ghilda cu cei mai multi participanti?:)


Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Silviu wrote:

prognoza la ghilda cu cei mai multi participanti?:)

Apai stii cum e, au aparut niste spoilere si acuma toata lumea a innebunit cu Izzetul din cauza goblinului si Izzet Charm. Ma gandesc ca odata ce incep sa apara spoilere pentru alte gilde, iara va fi nebunie pentru alt gild etc.

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Nu cred ca e din cauza spoilerelor. Daca te uiti pe Planeswalkers Points o sa vezi ca si acolo cei mai multi au optat pentru Izzet si Azorius. Poate o sa se schimbe ordinea, dar sigur va ramane tot o guilda cu albastru in top smile)

PS: Or fi multi "Control Freaks" in lumea asta MtG lol

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Eu personal am ales Izzet inainte sa apara spoilerele. Motivul, control burn? si vreau sa joc in viitor Bolas si vreau carti de Bolas ... Si sa recunoastem, Goblin Electromancer si Charmurile arata super OK, desi nu stiam de ele cand am ales. :-)

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

lvalics wrote:

Eu personal am ales Izzet inainte sa apara spoilerele. Motivul, control burn? si vreau sa joc in viitor Bolas si vreau carti de Bolas ... Si sa recunoastem, Goblin Electromancer si Charmurile arata super OK, desi nu stiam de ele cand am ales. :-)

Goblinul e ok dar nu e T2 card. In schimb charm-ul e superb si in standard smile

Last edited by TudorGrigoroaia (2012-08-29 16:41:37)

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri


Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Un pic off topic, dar numai eu n-am primit achievementul pentru ca am intrat la un guild?

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Ah well, I guess I can pretend to support Izzet for now...

.. until Dimir reveals itself.


Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Daca merge cineva cu masina (sper ca da)atunc maduc si aleg Izzet

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri


Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

My Ingenuity. My Obsession. My Izzet big_smile

Re: [RTR] Return To Ravnica - PRERELEASE - inscrieri

Izzet for me as well! big_smile