Topic: Color weight/devotion question

If I were to build a deck based on Devotion, it'd be really helpful if I could search specifically for cards with lots of the same mana symbols in their mana cost. Is this possible? Alternatively, if I could arrange my search by "color weight", ie. if I search for 4 mana red cards, it'd put the (R)(R)(R)(R) cards first, and 3(R) cards last. Do you have any ideas how to do this?

Re: Color weight/devotion question

On Deckbox, neither of those are possible, though the former has been oft requested. I'm not aware of any site that sorts by color "weight", not even Scryfall -- great idea, though!

The former is easily accomplished on Scryfall by searching for "mana>={R}{R}{R}". Note the >= syntax, so it'll find a card that costs {7}{R}{R}{R} as well as one that costs {1}{R}{R}{R}{R}. Also note the curly braces. For devotion specifically, you can add "is:permanent" to the search to further refine your results.

Not trying to draw traffic away from Deckbox, it's amazing at what it does, but when tool A doesn't do what you need it to, there's no shame in supplementing with tool B.  smile  Hopefully Deckbox gets some more advanced search features in the future to compete with Scryfall!