Topic: H: Jace, tMS, Bayou, Scrubland W: to trade down into standard stuffs

like title says, looking to trade these cards down into standard cards. would prefer to trade them all at once, not individually, and you must understand there will be a premium required to pick these cards up. to give you an idea of some of the cards i'm looking for:

high priority:
1 overgrown tomb
2 steam vents
4 temple garden
2 blood crypt
3 hallowed fountain
4 gesit of saint traft
3 thragtusk
4 olivia voldaren
4 angel of serenity

low priority:
4 liliana of the veil
4 garruk relentless
4 garruk, primal hunter
4 thalia, guardian of thraben
4 terminus
2 tamiyo, the moon sage
4 restoration angel
4 silverblade paladin
4 loxodon smiter

Re: H: Jace, tMS, Bayou, Scrubland W: to trade down into standard stuffs

How much of a premium are you looking for?

I've got some of the things you're looking for (in addition to whatever's in my tradelist):

  • Hallowed Fountain

  • 2x Blood Crypt

  • Overgrown Tomb

  • Thragtusk

Send me a trade if you're interested in trading.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist
I'll sometimes trade things in my Inventory. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Re: H: Jace, tMS, Bayou, Scrubland W: to trade down into standard stuffs

I have some of what you are looking for as well +stuff in my trade list.

1x Overgrown Tomb
1x Steam Vents
2x Thragtusk
4x Restoration Angel
1x Loxodon Smiter

+ a few more things on your wish list if you are interested.

Re: H: Jace, tMS, Bayou, Scrubland W: to trade down into standard stuffs

I've got a bunch of the stuff on your wish lists.

I started a trade and added everything I have available for you to sort through.

Let me know.

Re: H: Jace, tMS, Bayou, Scrubland W: to trade down into standard stuffs

I have a Smiter. Take a look at my Trade list.

Re: H: Jace, tMS, Bayou, Scrubland W: to trade down into standard stuffs

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