Topic: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

I am looking for a bunch of dual lands for cube.  I have a bunch of stuff on my wishlist so send me a trade if you are interested.  I also have all of the commander's arsenal over-sized cards and the foil sylvan library, Scroll Rack and Life Counter.

Also to clarify the Innistrad and Shock lands on my wishlist are low priority at the moment.

Last edited by Xopar (2012-12-09 04:57:02)

Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

I could be interested. What do you value the Command Tower at?

Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

Any interest in trading the Commander's Arsenal life counter?

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Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

UnstableFlux wrote:

Any interest in trading the Commander's Arsenal life counter?

Sure. What are you looking to pay for it?

Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

Xopar wrote:
UnstableFlux wrote:

Any interest in trading the Commander's Arsenal life counter?

Sure. What are you looking to pay for it?

SCG has them for $15, so $15 worth of cards?

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Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

UnstableFlux wrote:
Xopar wrote:
UnstableFlux wrote:

Any interest in trading the Commander's Arsenal life counter?

Sure. What are you looking to pay for it?

SCG has them for $15, so $15 worth of cards?

SCG has them sold out for $15

On Ebay they are going for $25

Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

Ah, must have sold out recently. Never mind then, I don't value them at more than $10-$15. Thanks though!

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Free yourself from yourself

Re: W:Filter, Fetch, Pain Lands

Slightly updated wishlist and added more to tradelist.