Topic: New to EDH decks, could use some assistance

Hey there, I threw together a couple of EDH decks from the cards I have with me at the moment (I'm abroad for a year so I've only got the cards I bought here) but as I'm new to constructing EDH decks in general, I thought it would be good to get some feedback on the structure of the deck, I.E. Mana curve, whether the number of creatures / spells is too high/low etc

Any constructed feedback is appreciated =] (as I said, I'm working with limited cards here, looking more for EDH structure critique in general than specific card critique)

Re: New to EDH decks, could use some assistance

I'll admit to not being a Golgari player right off but it looks like a strong deck, which legendary are you using as Commander?
I want to fit in Undercity Plague because it play so well with the rest of your cards causing discard, but i'm not sure what i would remove for it.

Love the Dimir deck's goal of milling you. Don't think i've played a deck quite this single minded in it's goal in commander before, I'd be interested in hearing how it plays.
An Undead Alchemist would be a nice addition into this deck. The only other major mill card i can think of that this needs is a Jace Beleren.
Possibly my favorite card in this deck is Conjured Currency, it seems perfect for commander, just make sure this deck has unique sleeves so you get your cards back.

Generally EDH decks have a more broad goal or a single combo they're trying to achieve. And then there are players like myself who enjoy ridiculous decks like my colorless Karn deck that can run into space issues if another pod is playing next to you. Or Group Hug decks who generally win only on a fluke but encourage outrageous board states by buffing everybody.
I'd like to see what a more focused deck can do in this game style. Be prepared to be ganged up on when folks realize the sheer amount of mill the dimir deck has.

Re: New to EDH decks, could use some assistance

I can take a closer look at each one, but here are a few quick suggestions. 

For the Dimir deck, if you're looking to mill them out you'll need a few pieces.  First, you need some way to exile the two legendary Eldrazi (Kozilek and Ulamog) otherwise you simply cannot win via milling.  Those two will simply cycle into their yard, return their yard to their library and BAM you're out of luck.  This sort of stuff can be achieved with Cremate or other items of a similar nature.  Cemetery Reaper also comes to mind.  As an artifact to toss in, Keening Stone is HUGE as you can realistically mill someone out (even with 100 cards) in 3-4 hits with the stone, especially if you've been milling a bit here or there already.

For the Golgari deck, a few pieces I would suggest include: Skullbriar, the Walking Grave strikes me as an interesting general.  It gets bigger and maintains those counters unless it's returned to your hand or your deck.  Presumably this means it would also maintain those counters in the command zone - making it quite the threat for general damage quickly.  Tack on scavenge creatures (or just Varolz, the Scar-Striped in general) and you can imagine the potential.  Toss in Rogue's Passage/Whispersilk Cloak to make him unblockable and the opponent already has a quick clock (not a common occurrence in EDH in my, admittedly limited, experience.  Vulturous Zombie is another card to be sure to include as it can be HUGE without much effort.  Something hitting the yard is a low bar, making them casting spells and discarding both resulting in it being pumped. 

I can mull them over a bit more, but those were my first impressions.

Re: New to EDH decks, could use some assistance

I have both a Jarad (Golgari) and a Lazav (Dimir) decks you can take a look at for ideas.

TyWoo is def right about the Eldrazi so that makes a card like Sadistic Sacrament your all star. Hell if you make it to 15 mana (which actually shouldnt be that hard in EDH) its like a better mill card since it exiles them instead of puts them in the GY. However it also depends on your Commander too bc guess what happens when I mill someone's Ulamog or Kozliek with Lazav out? Lazav becomes a 10/10 Indestructible HEXPROOF ANNIHILATOR 4 (if you hit Ulamog) or 12/12 HEXPROOF ANNIHILATOR 4 (if you hit Koz)! Im pretty sure that win right there...

My Jarad deck is very Dredge/ Reanimator but the main point of the deck is to just sac fat creatures with Jarad to drain the table. Jarad + Lord of Extinction is usually enough to win the game .:rolleyes:
You definitly have a solid shell for Skullbriar so I would look more into what TyWoo said doing like a SkullBriar/Varolz type deck.