Topic: Average pricing

I noticed the pricing on Hero of Iroas was weird. The average price, which is used in trades, is currently listed as 3.24$. However, there's not a single copy on the Deckbox market that is over 2.50$.

Please see the attachment for details.

Edit: Welp, forgot the attachment

Last edited by Rainar (2014-11-19 11:29:59)

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hero_of_iroas_value.png 166.02 kb, 1 downloads since 2014-11-19 

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> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Average pricing

I'm not sure if your complaint here is that the average price is not the average of all the prices listed on the market, or if the average price seems higher than it should be given what it is on other sites.

For the first issue, see . The average price is not solely a function of the Deckbox market prices, nor should it be.

For the second issue, well... it doesn't seem completely out of bounds, but that's the sort of thing that should be reported here: