Topic: Le&Le Games MTG Celebration v2

Le&Le Games Celebration! - 28 February

After the big success of the first Le&Le Games MTG Celebration of last December, we are planning do it again! The purpose of this event is to have FUN all together! Being enabled with a low entry fee, broad legality of card choices, attractive prizes and alternative ways to decide a winner.

Saturday 28 February 13:30 @ Le&Le Games

> All Legal - One Copy Only - Pauper + One made up FAKE CARD
All cards that are at least once printed as COMMON are legal, also Unhinged/Unglued and Banned cards.
You may play ONLY ONE copy of a card(NAME), exept of Basic Lands. And your deck may contain 60 cards with a 15 card sideboard.
You have to play ONE FAKE CARD:
- Make up a name and effect/ability of the card.
- At start of the event you present your card to the Judge who will verify the legality and decide the converted manacost of that card (matching to your decks colors).
- The cards ability/effect have to be MTG related
- You will play one MARKED (write something on it) Basic land in your deck, representing the fake card.

Participation Fee
We will ask you for a DONATION at the start of the event, meant for additional prize support.

Prize Pool
Foil Promo for each participant + 1 for completing the 'special' section of challenges.
- Sponsored by Le&Le Games! -
- 1x Modern Masters: City of Brass "Pro-Dual" Deck Box
- 2x Journey into Nyx: Event Deck
- 2x Theros: "Face the Hydra" Challenge Deck
- 1x Journey into Nyx: "Defeat a God" Challenge Deck
- 1x Born of the Gods: "Battle the Horde" Challenge Deck
And additional prizes* paid by your donations!
*Of which 6 FRF boosters for Top 4 'Pack-wars'
A numbing dose of FUN!

Rounds & Top
To not occupy your whole saturday, we will keep the limit to 4 rounds of Swiss, followed by a Top 4. Details below.

Who wins?
During the event each participant will get to complete challenges (signed by your opponent). Based on the number of (fastest) completed challenges a top 4 will be determined. If necessary the Swiss-rounds results will be used as tiebreaker. In addition to this there will be a voting section included with your challenges, for the most FUN decks.
Top 4 gets to battle each other with 'pack-wars', the booster received in the semi finals is your prize. The semi finals are played as usual, first on 0 life loses. Then the finalists receive another booster as prize, and play another pack war! AND some special additional challenges will be presented at the top 4 players, these will be fun to watch for everyone wink

- Prepare a 30 Seconds FUN presentation of your favorite MTG card ever. At the start of every round players get to give their presentation. By raising hands two players will get voted as winner. These will receive 3 JOKER POINTS which count as (additional) completed challenges.

Here's a sneak peak of the challenges:
- Win a game
- Make your opponent laugh
- Winning a game with only nonbasic lands in play
- Lose a game without dealing damage to your opponent.
- Get a drink at the bar
- Share your snacks with your opponent
- Compliment a player on a good game
- Get mana-screwed
- Discard a card
- Win a die roll
- Kill 5 creatures in one combat
- Play a spell in your opponent's turn

Shoot here your ideas for cool challenges!

*What's Pack-Wars? Check: … daily/sf/1

Last edited by rado (2015-03-05 07:32:22)

Re: Le&Le Games MTG Celebration v2

Call for a judge 5 times, without any reason. :-)

Re: Le&Le Games MTG Celebration v2

That's redundant. This quest gives you reason.

Last edited by The_Caveman (2015-01-24 11:39:23)

Re: Le&Le Games MTG Celebration v2

Here's the final challenges!

May you build your deck and prepare yourself that way to kick some funny ass!

Tap a land
Control a token
Discard a card
Have 5 creatures die by your block choices in combat
Win a game
Win a die roll
Buy your opponent a drink from the bar
Have 10 lands in play
Complete and WIN a game while standing up (from beginning to end)
Win a game with 5 non-basic lands in play
Deal 7 damage at once with one creature (to creature or player)
Control 4 different lands
Break a (any) sleeve
Play a spell in your opponent's turn
Exchange decks with your opponent and play one game of the match

Get 20 or more cards in your graveyard
Gain life
Play a game without talking
Use a strange object as token or counter
Build a 3-level house of cards from your graveyard only.
Sing a song out loud, replacing a work with a MTG related word (10 sec.)
Play a game with one hand behind your back

Complete the next section 100% for and get an EXTRA Foil-Promo
Lose a game without dealing damage to your opponent
Drop cards on the floor while shuffling
Make your opponent laugh
Get mana-screwed
Compliment an opponent on a good game
Share your snacks with your opponent