Topic: Ban List Discussions

Yes, I know this doesnt belong here, but let's be real. Everyone uses the Trading Post, no one uses the discussion forum.

So without further ado Vote if you expect a card will be banned or unbanned (not necessarily if you want it to or not).

Re: Ban List Discussions

Treasure Cruise will be the most defining card to determine what gets banned or unbanned.

Re: Ban List Discussions

Jeff Hoogland from The Meadery(sp?) wrote a really good article on this subject this week. If no one has read it then I suggest you do. He makes a lot of really good valid points about some of the banned cards.

Re: Ban List Discussions

I don't think they'll ban Cruise, but Ancestral Vision feels a lot like Bitterblossom in that it started off banned and probably didn't need to be and was in a dominant Standard deck that isn't all that powerful in Modern.

Re: Ban List Discussions


Re: Ban List Discussions

I dont think that both Ancestral Vision and Bloodbraid Elf will be unbanned. (I'd probably expect just BBE)

I'd love to see Deathrite unbanned but I don't think wizards will un-do something they just did out of stubborness.

I really don't expect bannings until after this spring season, but we'll see.

Re: Ban List Discussions

If Cruse isn't banned, I would like to see deathrite unbanned. We might as well fight fire with fire!

But on a serious note I don't think there will be any changes honestly.