Topic: B/W standard warriors

So I am trying to make a decent standard deck on a budget. I have all of these cards except 1 hordechief and the two dragonscale generals. I am batting around the idea of taking out 1 of the harsh sustenance and 1 rush of battle to add in 2 murderous cuts, but not sure if it will be worth it for the delve. Also I am wondering when the trigger happens on DS general for the dash mechanic. If I have dashed a creature, he comes back at the end up turn, does he come back to my hand prior to general's bolster or will the dash cards count as tapped creatures and then they come back?

Re: B/W standard warriors

Unless I am mistaken, both abilities will trigger at the same time and as the owner of both abilities you choose what order they go an the stack.

Re: B/W standard warriors

I was hoping that since both were under my control I could declare how they go on the stack, so that's great news.

Also, I was thinking about sideboarding utter end and mass calcify, since it would keep the chief of the scale./edge on the board and hopefully remove and threats to continue the dash.

Re: B/W standard warriors

A big no on the Mass Calcify. By turn 7 you should have either locked the game down or are going to lose. Have you thought about splashing red in the deck? Cause Goblin Rabblemaster is a warrior smile. It would also give you access to Wild Slash and Stoke the Flames to help keep blockers out of the way and finish your opponent off.

Re: B/W standard warriors

I thought about the addition of red for rabblemaster, but I recently sold all of my standard cards and kept just edh. So I've gotten lucky and drafter most of the cards in this set, so I don't have value to trade for master or the lands to really keep it consistent sad

Re: B/W standard warriors

Then I would for sure make some room for Murderous Cut then. You will need a way to get Siege Rhino and Tas out of your guys way

Re: B/W standard warriors

So I dropped 1 harsh sustenance and 1 rush of battle for 2 murderous cuts. I was wondering if you have and ideas for the sideboard. I figured that the feat of resistancex4 would be useful against bounce back or heavy removal decks while giving a counter. The honor's reward is just because I am partial to it as it was saved in past games but it can be dropped. Utter end is just useful. I figured the abzan runemark, might be worth it to keep a blocker around but not sure if it should stay. Being that I haven't played the deck yet I don't really know what is going to be my biggest problem or what should really be side boarded. Any thoughts? (Sadly I think this deck may change rapidly within the next two weeks with all od DoT dropping and the MULITTUDES of warriors coming out.

Re: B/W standard warriors

SB..... Hmmmm.... well a 4th Valorous Stance would be good in case you neet lots of Rhinos, Coursers or Brimaz. Utter end seems ok. Maybe 2 Crux of Fate? In case dragon decks pick up when the new set releases. You for sure need either Erase or Abzan Advantage for enchantment hate. Feat of Resistance is good, thought I am more of a Gods Willing fan since I like the Scry and it is one mana less but that is only a preference.

You are correct though that the new set will drastically change what you do since I am sure you want Secure the Wastes and a couple of the other awesome Warriors. Have you already looked at the spoiled cards to see what you would want to remove to make room for new stuff?

Last edited by valdor (2015-03-18 13:18:45)

Re: B/W standard warriors

I wasn't thinking about enchant hate, thanks for reminding me. I was thinking about god's willing, but I know that will rotate soon, so I was trying to stay as current as possible, but it's a easy switch if I need to get that deck fixing. I was looking at asharin formost and the two bloodchin warriors, the smaller one because you can assign blockers and the larger one since you can sac a creature (hopefully tokens from strike leader buffed from edge/scale) and deal damage and gain life, so I think the battle brawler goes as the first strike will be covered already from asharin and I guess the shadowspears go too. Not really sure though.

Re: B/W standard warriors

So you have me kinda excited for a BW warrior deck lol. So here is my take on a kinda budget deck. I modeled it after yours so maybe you can draw ideas off of it. It is still really aggro with the opportunity to buff up your creatures. I think this could be a good build for you and you can take advantage of alot of new cards. I hope I have been helpful.

Re: B/W standard warriors

I do like that idea as well. It definitely reflects what I am thinking and maybe makes it a little more board present (secure the wastes is AWESOME for this idea). Hopefully I can grab the 3 cards I need from a friend for FNM and see how this idea plays out. Thanks for all the input, it's been really helpful and it's always nice to talk shop too!