Topic: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

Been working on this deck off and on for a while now.  This is the latest and I think the best version.

The idea is cheap really good creatures that either keep growing or protect themselves.  The rest of the deck is to aid in growing and protecting.

Thought I would share. 

I would love any suggestions, but I am not really interested in adding any colors.

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

Anafenza, kin-tree spirit perhaps?

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

541032242 wrote:

Anafenza, kin-tree spirit perhaps?

Yeah I think she is going in.  Ran it at a PPTQ this weekend and things did not go well.  So I'm going to have to revamp.

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

A few thoughts:

1) Here's a build that might be more to your liking, it has some punch, counters, and also benefits from flying to finish the job:  I'd suggest sliding in Dromoka's Command if you have them available as that card literally just should read "2-for-1 your opponent."

2) Looking at your list, I would suggest Courser of Kruphix over Nyx-Fleece Ram to grow Ajani's Pridemate.  Toss in 4x Blossoming Sands and you have a wealth of possible triggers to grow the pridemates.

3) Banishing Light should be mainboard in some quantity.  Given the overall lack of enchantment removal outside of Dromoka's Command, it is a solid removal option that is quite versatile.

4) In your build, outside of Dromoka's Command, I'm not really seeing the appeal to Hornet Nest.  It'll potentially stop more aggro builds, but you're already well suited against aggro with life-gain and the benefit of W/G aggro creatures being larger than most things other colors have.

I hope some of these help.  I do think there's a solid G/W deck to be built at the moment, it's just a matter of finding the right pieces.  Good luck and keep brewing!

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

Thanks Ty.  I'll take a look at some of those.

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

Some updates made.

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

A few added thoughts:

1) Under what conditions would you envision siding End Hostilities in?

2) I like how Abzan Falconer can make the whole team suddenly have flying, but I cannot help but think that 4x is too high.

3) Ajani, Mentor of Heroes just strikes me as being outright better than Steadfast for the ability to add counters to multiple creatures all while using his plus ability.

4) High Sentinels of Arashin seems like a solid budget option in here.  Most people will knock the card, but given the frequency of counters in your build, it's not uncommon to envision it being a 5/6 or 6/7 flyer for 4... which is amazing value.

5) If you're looking to go more mid-range, Sunscorch Regent and FRF Dromoka are good added evasion options.

Keep playing it, figure out what you're struggling against, and then make the adjustments you need.

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

End Hostilities has been my sweeper when I play token or super aggro decks.  My FNM meta is full of both.

I agree with you on Abzan Falconer I'm just not sure what's the right number.  Plus drawing that card has won me more than a few games.

I like Ajani Steadfast for a couple reasons. He's 1 mana cheaper, he can add a counter to all creatures, His +1 is really diverse and most importantly he doesn't draw the immediate hate that Ajani, Mentor of Heroes does.  I may try swapping him in.

Thanks for you input.

Re: [Standard] GW Lions in Sheeps Clothing

An alternate version, combining advice and opinions from all over the internet.  Going to need to aquire some cards for it, but I think it has a nice balance, between a few things I've been working on.