Topic: How to lose friends deck

Hey I am curious as to whether anybody has made/played with a deck similar to the following

4 Despise
4 Dig Through Time
4 Dissolve
3 Dragonlord's Prerogative
4 Duress
4 Hero's Downfall
3 Silumgar's Command
3 Silumgar, the Drifting Death
4 Thoughtseize
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

You get the idea, just tear apart opponents hand and drag the game out until you get the cards to win.
Seems pretty credible. There is no way i could afford to build this and even if i did, i doubt i could use it more than once without pissing everybody off win or lose.
I was curious as to whether anybody has already done it and whether it was successful or not. (In winning, not losing friends)

Re: How to lose friends deck

See U/B control and now Esper Dragons in recent tournament results... it's been done... not a lot of fun to play against, but also not unbeatable by any stretch.

Re: How to lose friends deck

/agree with ty. 

It's been done no reason to re-invent the wheel. … ckID=84331

The discard cards you have are overkill btw.  The only one worth considering maindeck is thoughtseize and even then i think 4 is too much.