Topic: Budget standard soldiers

Thinking about trying out a budget mono white soldiers deck. I start out with back in the beginning of theros, and thought this idea might work. Don't my the sb as of right now. Thoughts?

Re: Budget standard soldiers

The missing elephant in the room would be Soldier of the Pantheon, sitting at a paltry $0.50 per.

Moreover, given the white weenie feel of this, I'm thinking it would make more sense to try to lower the curve with some added one drops, move Hixus to the SB, and even potentially slide in 1-2 Brimaz (also at a relative low costing about $10 per).

Other things to consider would be Spear of Heliod, Dictate of Heliod, and even Heliod himself (doesn't fit the scheme, but you're certainly sitting on enough devotion to make him active.

Does a soldier tribal get you anything you wouldn't otherwise get just going with other white weenie stuff?  As a mono-colored deck you can definitely save money on the manabase and things of that nature, but I'd suggest looking at Craig Wescoe's pieces over on TCG for some added ideas.  I don't know that the soldier tribe has enough going versus just quality white weenie.

Re: Budget standard soldiers

I totally know that I missed a large drop without including pantheon (which I may still go back and add). I wasn't sure if I was going to get a lot of use out of his added ability aside from being a 2/1 1drop. Though I probably will trough him in.

I was thinking about maybe adding in the sage eye defender ( 1 drop 1/3 defender) and I hade akroan jailer in there two but I've bounced around those ideas a few times. I've specific said no to brimaz as I don't want to drop 30-40 on a set of him and then loose him in two months. I thought I had spear of heliod in my sb and if not it will go in, dictate I didn't think about but ill probably sb as well. I might throw in one heliod, he might get sb as well.
The soldier tribal thing has just always been something I loved. First deck I played when I came into magic was in theros and basically ran a different iteration of this with m14 Ajani and the ordeal and brave the elements, gods willing, countless battles. Preeminent capt may make a return in this for a short time.

Re: Budget standard soldiers

really until rotation there's not a good reason not to play UW and do heroic.  There's synergy with soldiers (most of them are already soldiers) and the deck has proven to be somewhat resilient.  It can be done on a pretty reasonable budget as well.

Re: Budget standard soldiers

A few thoughts. 

First off, a budget deck can be moderately competitive and might even take an FNM here or there, but is unlikely to perform well against top-end competition.  Sadly the expensive cards are expensive because, well, they're good.

Second, Brimaz, despite not really finding a home in many decks, will hold his value for a bit after rotation (if not increasing) as his EDH (and tiny leaders) appeal remains and the supply drops even further.  Additionally, I was thinking as a 2x or MAYBE 3x, but you wouldn't want to run 4x of him anyway.  I would say a 2-2 split between him and spear.

Third, your decisions to relegate cards to the sideboard strike me as strange.  The sideboard isn't meant to put cards 61 - 75 that we wanted to play but just couldn't find room.  You should use the sideboard to contain cards that will significantly increase your chances in a given matchup.  So, for instance, green decks will likely be packing 2x Gaea's Revenge to face down control decks in the coming months.  While the card is pretty good normally, it might not fit the style of the deck.  BUT, when facing down a control player, if you're running green, you would be hard pressed to find a better option.  This in mind, if you want to run spear or dictate, find slots for them in the main.  Otherwise, I don't know that there's a matchup that you would realistically need more pumps to suddenly become favored.

Re: Budget standard soldiers

what about Kytheon's Irregulars ?
tapping opponents blockers is always good!

Re: Budget standard soldiers

what about Kytheon's Irregulars ?
tapping opponents blockers is always good!
Gleam of Authority? could work in your deck 2
Elite Scaleguard