Topic: Missing Card? Maybe?

This might be silly, but I can't seem to figure out how to add the mark cards that represent the double sided cards.

I wouldn't add them at all, except I just discovered that you can add the punch-out cards, and now my completionist nature wants these in there, too.


Last edited by 10154882304028963 (2017-08-17 01:07:22)

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Re: Missing Card? Maybe?

10154882304028963 wrote:

the mark cards that represent the double sided cards.

You're wanting the "checklist cards", and I agree with you -- the OCD in me needs to add them, too!

If they were on the site, they'd be in the relevant "Extras" edition (e.g. Extras: Shadows Over Innistrad). Sadly, they are not included.... even though other cards that aren't included in Wizard's official token numbering are on the site, such as the poison counters from Scars of Mirrodin.

Re: Missing Card? Maybe?

meldon44 wrote:

You're wanting the "checklist cards", and I agree with you -- the OCD in me needs to add them, too!

Yes! Those!
I have poison counters added, too.

Thanks! I wasn't sure if they weren't here, or if I just had no idea what they would be called. But, I looked in all the extras for a set, and there wasn't anything even slightly right sounding.