Topic: W: Modern Abzan Pieces H:TL

I’m looking for the following:
2x Verdant Catacombs (ZEN)
2x Tarmogoyf (MMA preferred)
1x Stony Silence (MM3, willing to trade MP ISD Stony Silence +Value for the MM3 version)
1x Fulminator Mage (SHM)
Any and all cards that make Saprolings/ feature spore counters

Notable TL cards:
Force of Will (MSP)
Aggravated Assault (MSP)
The Scarab God (HOU)
Aven Mindcensor (MSP)
Dragonlord Dromoka
Grim Flayer
Search for Azcanta
Some shocks

Re: W: Modern Abzan Pieces H:TL

Playset of "Any and all cards that make Saprolings/ feature spore counters" or just one of each?

Re: W: Modern Abzan Pieces H:TL

Depends on the card. What do yo have to offer?
Also, your profile mentions sealed packs. What do you have, sealed-wise?

Re: W: Modern Abzan Pieces H:TL


Re: W: Modern Abzan Pieces H:TL

Updated my tradelist with saproling making stuff.

Also, have packs since Timespiral on. Unopened, all from FNM and small tourney prizes. Some Unopened Commander decks as well.