Topic: Feature request - Do not use the promo icon for every other edition

Right now anything that is not a full released edition, get the red "promo" badge as symbol icon.
This was ok at the beginning when there were fewer promotional edition, but lately especially after the addition of FBB and FWB there has been and influx of red symbols everywhere.

I personally feel this is becoming a bit too confusing and out of hand: there are a lot of alternative and better options. The best one in my opinion is to use the set symbol with a "promo" text laid over it, like For the foreign edition, just use the FBB/FWB/IVBB text like

I hope this is considered because it's becoming really hard making out which cards are from which set when browsing cards.

Re: Feature request - Do not use the promo icon for every other edition

This. Cards that have many printings like Llanowar Elves or basic lands can have dozends of printings with the same icon.