Topic: Sort by Edition/Card Number

Is it possible to sort the deck by Edition and Card Number? I can only sort by Edition, but not by Card number. Am I missing something or is this not available?

Re: Sort by Edition/Card Number

When you sort by edition, the card number is used as a secondary search criteria. So cards should be within their edition, in the order of the card number. You can check the card number by hovering with the mouse on the edition symbol.

Re: Sort by Edition/Card Number

It looks like it is sorted by rarity first, which I don't want.
Akki Ember-Keeper (Common #130)
Fang of Shigeki (Common #347)
Shigeki, Jukai Visionary (Rare #206)
Weaver of Harmony (Rare #213)

I would llike to see the following, as my binders are sorted by number and not rarity.
Akki Ember-Keeper (Common #130)
Shigeki, Jukai Visionary (Rare #206)
Weaver of Harmony (Rare #213)
Fang of Shigeki (Common #347)

Re: Sort by Edition/Card Number

Ah, right, this is a bug related to the 'inventory matching'. It's sorting by the "main printing" of the card, not the specific one you have in your inventory, which is why the Fang of Shigeki gets sorted in the wrong place, cause you have the one with 347 number.

It's on my list to fix, there's a few issues related to printings in decks that are a bit wonky and in need of attention. Will fix soon!

Re: Sort by Edition/Card Number

Great, thanks!

Re: Sort by Edition/Card Number

Ironically I was wondering about this exact same thing! I have my cards sorted by set oldest -> newest in the binders I keep them in. I'm creating an online inventory so I know what I have and I was wondering about sorting them here on deckbox the same way I have them organized IRL.

Glad to know there's a fix in the works!

Re: Sort by Edition/Card Number

So sort of on the same topic. Is there any way you can export/import which includes the set edition and number?

Last edited by Stmelnick (2023-10-29 11:59:37)