Topic: Want: 2 Huntmasters + 1 Strangleroot Geist by Friday?

Hey all.

I'm super desperate to trade for these 3 cards I need for the weekend. Payday isn't going to happen in time for the tournament on Saturday.

Anything on my list for these 3 cards except the Tooth and Nail (it's tied up right now). The only exception is they have to be here by the end of the week. I'm happy to pay a little bit to even out a trade and to cover some faster shipping within reason.

Let me know if you can help me out!

Thanks =/

- icbat

Re: Want: 2 Huntmasters + 1 Strangleroot Geist by Friday?

For 5 bucks shipping, I can get you 1 Huntmaster and 1 Strangleroot sent out tomorrow with 2-3 day shipping. A Snapcaster and a Grand Abolisher should cover the entire cost. Let me know if you're interested.

Re: Want: 2 Huntmasters + 1 Strangleroot Geist by Friday?

Hurk, killin' me. Sad to go down to 1 snap for now, but I'll get more later, I guess =P

Thanks Thrun, let's do it.