Topic: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

So I'm looking at my first possible foray into Standard format and figured out a pretty simple, cheap wolf-based R/G deck.  I'm open to anyone's feedback as I'm normally only a casual player and am looking at putting something like this together to be able to participate at a local FNM which tends to center on standard.

Any/All thoughts are very welcome.

- I know some Huntmasters and Garruk Relentless would probably work wonders in here, but I'm not looking to drop that kind of cash on a deck that might end up getting destroyed.

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

And before anyone goes to the effort to point out that Master of the Wild Hunt is not Standard, I know this.  I'm thinking this would work for casual play and I would swap in another Mayor of Avabruck for any sort of competitive situation.

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

Might I suggest Reckless Waif? Quicker creatures and ones that can transform with your Moonmists and further enhanced with immerwolf.

Not sure if Kessig Cagebreakers are relevant here. I imagine those being monopolized in a Deathfed type deck and this one may work as one of your lucky cards. Depends on how much your opponent is eating up your creatures.  And it's the only card utilizing your Parallel Lives. You're hoping for two cards to be out at the same time to really do something and you might be waiting a long time.

My friend plays a similar werewolf deck and mostly has four of all the big hitters, but he definitely eats it when there are flyers. I can see the same thing here, even though you have some direct damage available. And of course hoping you're not going to be up against 4/4 angels.

My friend also loves LOVES Afflicted Deserter. Maybe it's me and use a fair amount of artifacts, but he eats them up like candy. I do hate him for that.

And hope you don't mind me looking at your inventory, but Fog would be sick in something like this. Especially when the other person thought they were gonna overrun everything, let's say with flying and you throw that down. I'd make room for four if you can.

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

First off, thanks for the feedback.  I haven't put this thing together yet, but I'm thinking it wouldn't cost too much and could be at least a little fun (making dog noises while playing too wink ).

I can see where Reckless Waif and Afflicted Deserter might work to my advantage, given the added speed of the Waif and the artifact destruction of the Deserter, given that in competitive FNM play I'll likely run into more artifacts.  The whole rationale behind the Kessig Cagebreakers and Parallel Lives is for longer games, especially casual ones that tend to last to turn 15 or so, where I'll need some way to be able to overpower my opponent(s), as they will be sitting on substantially more powerful things by that point.  The transformed Mayor of Avabruck also produce wolf tokens every turn too and when combined with the Master of the Wild Hunt, well, that's some wolfy goodness right there.  I also thought about a version of the deck with Wren's Run Packmaster to give all the l'il buggers deathtouch, but that'd require the inclusion of other elves that really don't play into the scheme.

I must admit the flyer problem is there and I'm not entirely sure how to best address it.  I could add two more Daybreak Ranger as that would give direct damage to the flyers and then use the "fight" option to take out the others once they're transformed.  But would that really cut it?  I've never played in any standard FNM events, so how often are flyers that much trouble?  Does your friend use this for FNM or just casual play?  How much success does he have?

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

He plays casual, but it's mean. They get hella big and powerful very quickly. He wins more than he loses but he's also a very old schooler and it might just be the player in him.

As far as FNM, I could see a lot of people making copies of a top end deck in tourneys and some of those deal with spirits and flying. I just notice he takes the most damage from them or direct damage when we go at it, but flying is more consistent. That's my only experience since I've never seen him go one on one. I would just imagine you'd need those faster casting ones on a heads up match.

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

And I did not know the Mayor did that also. He's a mean sonofa when I see him hit the field because I know my friend is going to overrun things quickly with the immerwolf. I was only worried about the bonuses and now he's a bigger threat! ...Now I wonder if he's being placing the extra wolf each time.

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

Triple post!

Last thing hopefully.... Don't cut your wolves synergy short. They work extraordinarily well when most of them hit the field. With all the enchantments and instants you'll have plus your bonus creatures that can add to each other, my friend was tapping 4-5 creatures for 40 points of damage. So in the late game, most of your stuff should be big to handle those others. That's why I thought the parallel lives and cagebreakers were out of place. Then again if you pull it off, you're getting double and they ALSO get your bonuses... So, up to you! I'd like to know how it goes!

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

I'm thinking the cagebreakers might still be out of place, as I could just as easily throw in another Mayor that's a fraction of the casting cost, giving more bonuses to the other werewolves and producing wolf tokens much earlier in the game.  To that end, the parallel lives really would be just for speeding things to press my advantage (to be honest I wanted to use the parallel lives because I have one or two extras from some trades I made earlier to build my squirrel deck - which on a funny note, might take a few turns to get rolling, but it can produce thousands of squirrels in less than 10 turns... I actually set a personal record doing over 56 million damage to a friend in a casual game with those).

I actually had a question to clarify about the Immerwolf, given that you've played with/against it.  Am I correct that once one is in play the werewolves do not transform back to human form unless the Immerwolf is killed?  If so, man that's one mean card.

Also, if your friend is just playing casually, the Master of the Wild Hunt would be a good final blow card, as it lets you just deal damage to an opponent without even having to worry about blockers.

I guess I have some cards to obtain to see how this thing goes... thanks for all the input!

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Am I correct that once one is in play the werewolves do not transform back to human form unless the Immerwolf is killed?

That is correct!  Immerwolf prevents non-human werewolves from transforming.  Since all of the werewolves printed so far are human-werewolves in their normal state and non-human-werewolves in their flipped state Immerwolf will let them turn but not turn back.

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

That is rad!  Thanks!

Re: If Liam Neeson had a deck... (Extended/Standard)(Opinions)(Feedback)

Just like Tawnos said. It is very brutal for that alone, not to mention the counter bonuses. Another thing that gets the mana flowing are the scorned villagers flipped.

I believe the funniest of this deck is when he shows his hand which is practically all checklist cards.