Topic: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

Looking to trade away my foil Huntmaster of the Fells. Mostly looking for older stuff, but I have pretty strange taste. My wishlist isn't all that accurate, but if you're interested, link me your deckbox and we can try to make something happen.

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

Interested, but I don't really have much older stuff. Just some EDH things.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

I'd definitely like it, I have a lot of stuff for trade and I have even more stuff that I don't have listed. If you aren't quite sure what you're looking for, give me an idea (i.e.... artifact EDH staples, or foils for a monored Legacy burn deck, or cards for Modern Merfolk, etc) and I can give you a hand with generating a list.

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

The only constructed format I really play is Legacy, so my primary interest is just old legacy staples. Some of my primary wants are wastelands, Jace TMS, Karakas, and others.

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

I don't imagine many players will be interested in trading staples in a non-rotating format for a foil card in the narrowest constructed format available.

I will trade you Legacy-quality cards for the Huntmaster but naturally (or at least, naturally if you've read my bio), I will need to be gaining value on the trade. If you find another user who will trade for it at value, then you should definitely jump on that opportunity! It's very rare to be able to trade standard cards for Legacy ones, as I have tried in the past with very little luck...

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

I was just pointing out what kinds of cards I am interested in. Again, they don't necessarily have to be older legacy cards. Liliana of the Veil and Snappy are both new but see play outside of just standard, so things like that I'm still interested in. I have no interest in stuff like scars duals and the like, since I don't play standard at all. It's precisely the reason I'm looking to trade away this huntmaster.

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

Fair enough. Feel free to propose a trade with me if you'd like, I have plenty of cards that see non-Standard play.

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

Hey, don't have any old cards but if you are interested in a snapcaster I'd trade it for Huntmaster...

Re: Looking to trade a foil Huntmaster of the Fells

Normal Huntmasters are about even with Snapcasters. Mine's a foil, so I would be looking for more than that.