Topic: Have Jank, Looking for more Jank

While everyone around gears up for RTR and some serious business with new cards and whatnot I think it is time to trade some jank around. I have got plenty of junk rares and other garbage that I would love to trade off for real things but I will probably never be able to do that. So instead I would like to trade my random shit for your random trash in large scale. I am not looking for anything in particular just something different. If you would like to make it into a real trade along the way I would certainly be open to it. But lets not limit this to regular junk cards; if you want foils, I have got foils, all of them terrible except my foil mental misstep and foil snow covered plains. If you want fancy lands I have 6 foils from random sets and 6 zendikar lands. Xathrid Gorgon Promos your thing? I have got like six of them! Tokens really get you going? I have got a bunch from shards of alara until now including 3 double faced angel/demons and a Tamiyo Emblem! Giant commanders float your boat!?! I got Sigarda and Grislebrand! Wowie Zowie! So open up a trade and lets make it as stupid as possible.

Trade List :