Topic: Yet another oddball idea...

So I read an article the other day regarding the potential viability of mill decks in standard for the time being and it got me thinking... maybe this is an option.  Then after talking to someone at my LGS today who mentioned the possibility of building one himself and I thought, well why not get in on the action?

Here's my, admittedly strange, take on a mill deck from our friends with the Izzet guild:

So the beauty of this deck is that it's entirely based on mis-direction.  Everything is about drawing like crazy - who cares how many cards you're dropping.  Drop lands, drop other draw spells, whatever.  Then once you have the land to do it, either A) drop Psychic Spiral to mill them for a ton of spells, or B) play Mirror-Mad Phantasm, cycle him back into the deck to mill yourself a bunch, and then hit them with Psychic Spiral.

Note that with the Nivix Guildmage you can copy the various draw spells.  Potentially more useful is the combo of Dual Casting and Blistercoil Weird - cast a spell and before the effect resolves, tap said weird to copy the spell, then it untaps from the spell being cast and you can copy it again.  This pairs with Nivmagus Elemental to either do some MAJOR pumping or to simply rifle through a crapload of cards (too bad you can't copy Psychic Spiral to have it hit multiple times).

My concerns here:

1) My defenses aren't all that solid here.  In the event I run into some serious aggro (which is a likely scenario given the current meta), how do I really last.  I'm tempted to add Fog Bank as a 4x, but what do I drop to add them?

2) Is this too slow?  I mean I'm definitely not lacking in my ability to draw cards to ensure I can get the various cards I'm looking for.  The extent that I can drop a few of their cards (i.e. Thought Scour) to help disrupt their flow, but that's about all I have there.  Perhaps 2-3 Devastation Tide?  Miracle that and then hard cast Reforge the Soul could be amusing.

3) Do I need to worry about having a more removal? I could see where Electrickery, Pillar of Flame, and Annihilating Fire could prove quite useful - nevermind Mizzium Mortars.  But then the necessary evil of that scenario, what goes to create space for those?  I think this is where I have the most trouble with sideboarding, as I'm always hesitant to pull cards, but never shy about adding them - and the last thing I want to do is make this thing bigger as it really relies on getting the few key cards I'm looking for.

Other thoughts?  I know this won't win any major tournaments, but man this could be a blast to play.

Re: Yet another oddball idea...

While I like the idea of going away from the norm, I don't think this is the route you want to take, you seem to be doing a self-mill with Psychic Spiral to kill them. Psychic Spiral is a strange card because it doesn't really fit into any strategy, unless you make some sort of mutual mill deck (Milling both players),  but even that doesn't seem optimum. As it stands I'd say you're more likely to kill your opponent with damage than by milling by a long shot. At the very least you should have a few Lab Maniacs incase you mill your psychic spirals, good luck with this deck, but I think you're probably best keeping this for kitchen table magic.