Re: Upcoming features

No one in their right mind is going to give you programmatic level access to their SQL engine, too much risk for exploits.

Russb87 wrote:

I love that site but I meant more like actual select and join statements. Can you do that there? I didn't see anything where I could do that from there. I know that this is something that would be difficult to implement from a security standpoint but to get rather specific sets of data it would be nice.

Actually... Thinking about it I'm not sure that it can be practically implemented, we don't know the table names, we don't know the real column names, and we don't know the table schema(s). NVM, I guess it was one of those floating thoughts that I should have tossed away.

Re: Upcoming features

t3chnomanc3r wrote:


gmabber wrote:

LOL, like we android users have had for awhile now (with even more features)? Seems to make sense to join up and do a port rather than reinvent the wheel. Maybe you could even bring an inventory feature to the project? wink

My motto says: "Magic Life Counter -- the cleanest, simplest life counter for your iPhone!"
And that's my goal. Including library managemnent functionality in life counter app is just plain wrong to me.
I prefer to do the counting properly than to make a lame overall toolbox app (please note: I'm not calling MTG Familiar lame -- I don't know the app).

Last edited by gmabber (2012-09-12 07:23:13)
^^ Help me spread the good news! big_smile

Re: Upcoming features

Not sure if it's already been addressed as I am very new to deckbox but is there plans for a way to make every card in your inventory tradeable or also in your trade list?   I spent all last night putting 1075 of my cards into my inventory, just to find out that I would have to click beside each card and enter the number I want tradeable so that they show up on my trade list. Is there a better way to do this? Any help would be appreciated, I love the site and have only run into this one issue.

Re: Upcoming features

Normally you could have entered them directly into your tradelist and they would also be added to your inventory.

*  ~ ~ ~ ~ My DeviantArt Gallery ~ ~ ~ ~  *

Re: Upcoming features

Yea........I noticed that after I finished putting them in the does that mean there isn't a way to just make all cards tradable?   It seems it would be simple to implement and VERY helpful for someone like me who only put up cards that I wanted to trade online.

Re: Upcoming features

Just tell people to look at your inventory instead of your tradelist until you manage to finish updating your tradelist in the meantime

*  ~ ~ ~ ~ My DeviantArt Gallery ~ ~ ~ ~  *

Re: Upcoming features

Ahhh, thanks man I had no idea people could see my inventories, sweet!    Thanks for the help I appreciate it.

Re: Upcoming features


easiest way is to view your tradelist as "print" and then copy & paste that wall of text to an save location. now you can delete your whole inventory and re-import the whole list as your tradelist. that way, you get the cards tradeable and in your inventory.

had to do that as well when i started out wink

Re: Upcoming features

Yeah, not the most helpful thing for me to track what I want to get rid of as part of my actual collection IMHO. Still the issue of not being able to import edition, condition, foil, etc... also defeats this being viable same as it does for just importing all the hard work you exported back into inventory.

Sadly can't even kludge a workable solution of separating my trades from main collection by creating a new account because I will still have to manually set at least edition, foil, & condition on the import. Seems limited import functionality is defacto with every collection manager site & app (android) I've looked at.

Frank wrote:


easiest way is to view your tradelist as "print" and then copy & paste that wall of text to an save location. now you can delete your whole inventory and re-import the whole list as your tradelist. that way, you get the cards tradeable and in your inventory.

had to do that as well when i started out wink

Re: Upcoming features

t3chnomanc3r wrote:

[...] Sadly can't even kludge a workable solution of separating my trades from main collection by creating a new account because I will still have to manually set at least edition, foil, & condition on the import. Seems limited import functionality is defacto with every collection manager site & app (android) I've looked at.

True. But we're working on improving this as we speak (er... type smile). The import, add and edit card details will definitely be better in the next release. Only it's very hard to design a smart system for this that covers all needs and use cases sad (or at least for me it is haha).

Re: Upcoming features

Any news on displaying card value by edition? I'm currently cataloging and evaluating a friend's collection for sale, and I'm wondering if I should start doing a bunch of manual work to get accurate values outside of or if that feature will be available in the next couple of weeks.

I really enjoy the tool, and it's been an invaluable resource for discussing the specifics of this collection with people. Thanks!

Re: Upcoming features

I don't want to promise anything since we're already overshot the initial estimation of "end of september" by quite a bit. But it is coming! We'll try doing a little preview next weekend so you guys can see how close we are smile


Re: Upcoming features

Could you make it possible to add cards using foreign languages? It makes quite a barrier to use deckbox without knowing all translations. Also adding particular name would allow to autopick card language.

Or is there a way to convert a list of non-English card names into English?

Re: Upcoming features

nps wrote:

Could you make it possible to add cards using foreign languages? It makes quite a barrier to use deckbox without knowing all translations. Also adding particular name would allow to autopick card language.

Or is there a way to convert a list of non-English card names into English?

I think an easier way to overcome the language barrier would be to add the ability to add cards by the card number (printed on all cards saved for the earliest releases).  I'm not sure if that is planned, but it would be a good feature to add.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Upcoming features

Quick suggestion:
Would be nice if My Profile tab in the top menu had a dropdown with direct links to Inventory/Wish List/Trade list.

Thanks for the great site!

Re: Upcoming features

Is there somewhere that lists the current issues/upgrades/etc that are being worked on?

Is there somewhere that says when the next upgrade will be or is scheduled for?

If not, can there be?

With Love, Charlie

Re: Upcoming features

atomicashes wrote:

Is there somewhere that lists the current issues/upgrades/etc that are being worked on?

Is there somewhere that says when the next upgrade will be or is scheduled for?

If not, can there be?

With Love, Charlie

Sure, there is, in the Announcements forum: wink

Re: Upcoming features

Hi, I'm new to this site and WOW is it handy. I really wanted a place I could update my tiny collection and just be able to browse. I'm a visual type of person and looking at the cards helps me think much better when making decks or just thinking on strategies or whatever.

I saw a lot of talk about being able to order your inventory how you want them to. Do you think this will be implemented soon? Or has it already been and I'm blind LOL. I use this site mostly for cataloging so I guess that is a big thing for me.

Other than that I really love the site. Everything works intuitively. Great job.

Re: Upcoming features

is there anyway to pull a list of what cards have currently been proposed in trades?  and if not... any plans to include a feature like that?

it would be extremely handy to be able to look at a chart that would tell you that you have 6 Tolaria West for trade,  you are currently offering 3 of them in trades and have offers for 2 of them.  thanks!

Last edited by plymouth1215 (2012-12-09 04:55:16)

Re: Upcoming features

Anyone who uses App Tabs in Firefox knows how awesome they are at managing notifications. I would love to see this included in deckbox. Here is an example of when facebook has a notification for me.

Re: Upcoming features

Apologies if these have been brought up already:

  • When looking for potential traders for specific cards, it is a PITA to navigate through the Trading Opportunities on your Profile page.  For instance, at the moment I've got like 107 pages of trading opportunities and the only way to get to number 50 is to hit "Next" 50 times!  Can we get some clickable page numbers on there?

  • I love the "Can Give" and "Can Get" in the Trading Opportunities.  Can that summary info be extended to the Users Having {Card Name} section that comes up when you click on a card in your inventory or wantlist?  Right now you can see who has what for a specific card, but the only way to determine if there is a trading opportunity there is to click on each person and see if you have anything they need to base a trade on.  BTW, this section also suffers from the same "Previous/Next"-only navigation issue as the Trading Opportunities section described above.

  • I trade a lot of commons, so it's not always easy to remember what I've asked for or offered in trades.  Would there be any way to track cards in potential and accepted trades against your wishlist and tradelist?  It would be great to know if I've suggested a card in a trade so I don't offer it up again to someone else.  It would also be great to know if I've already requested cards in my wishlist from someone.

I'm really enjoying utilizing Deckbox to architect trades.  I'd love to see some of these features implemented to make trading that much easier!

Thanks Deckbox!

Last edited by Zooligan (2012-12-20 13:22:37)

Re: Upcoming features

New upgrades look good snd addressed many issues I laid out months ago, but still have a problem with Pricing on Promotional cards.

Promos are not from the set they were released in, so it only pulls the foil price from the set I listed the card from. Many judge and fnm promos are not from a specific set. Or, you could have foils from FTV or Duel decjs.

I have many judge foils and okd DCI and okd FNM foils that I cannot get priced right because the set shows wrong, like my Foil City of Brass... They aren't from Arabian Nights, but thats the picture.

How can we get that part fixed? It can be a big deal.

On the same level, what about foreign card prices? Right now it follows only the english values, and some Russian/Korean/Japanese cards foiled are worth way more in the real market compared to their english.cou.terparts.

Re: Upcoming features

Any way we could sort the "People" list by last time they were logged on... would make site so much better by finding active traders ... and would reward active traders buy putting them at top of the list when sorted so we can get alot more trades.....

Re: Upcoming features

Simple request!  Could you set autocomplete="off" on the inventory fields?  When it pops up, it just get in the way of things like the + sign for the wishlist and what not.  And there's never any reason to need it.


Re: Upcoming features

Just noticed a bug today.  On this trade:

When my partner confirmed his email address, I got *seven* emails from Deckbox announcing it.  No idea what happened there!