Topic: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

also … ily/ur/220

come on, UR walker, you can do it!

Last edited by nightride (2012-11-12 08:16:07)

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Hmmm... Momentan am doar următoarele de zis în legătură cu setul 3 din blocul RTR: mi se pare un nume extrem de slab pt un set (pare a fi un nume de carte, mai mult), iar simbolul setului este o suprapunere între Return și Gatecrash. Which is lame. But hey, that's just me.

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Don't give up, dude! You will find the answer!

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

par mai degraba nume de capitole dintr-o carte, decat de block-uri de magic... pe de alta parte, ca story, pare al naibii de interesant.. ia cititi flavor textul de aici: Rogue's Passage

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

indeed foarte ciudat numele setului, dar pare a fi destul de mistic si poate are un final neasteptat, care sa mai intoarca povestea, un fel de rezolvarea labirintului..

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

m0nstersnatch wrote:

indeed foarte ciudat numele setului, dar pare a fi destul de mistic si poate are un final neasteptat, care sa mai intoarca povestea, un fel de rezolvarea labirintului..

daca se intrec gihildele intre ele pentru a deslusi labirintul primii pentru a avea suprematie fata de celelalte ?Asta ar fi intersant, si o carte care cere o mana de orice fel care sa fie cceva.. Labyrinth Elder sau ceva de genu.Sau mai multe carti bazate pe asta

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Rarres wrote:

Hmmm... Momentan am doar următoarele de zis în legătură cu setul 3 din blocul RTR: mi se pare un nume extrem de slab pt un set (pare a fi un nume de carte, mai mult), iar simbolul setului este o suprapunere între Return și Gatecrash. Which is lame. But hey, that's just me.

Fii atent.Simbolul RtR arata ca o usa, cel Gatecrash arata ca o poarta.Ca intrarea in labirint.mi se pare o idee buna

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Cand am citit titlul postului, credeam ca tine de ceva raid de WoW sau ceva.

Cand am vazut ca e MtG, credeam ca e iar ceva promo gen Commander's Arsenal.

Cand am vazut ca e numele setului...

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Seriously, cred ca vad deja reclama:

"First there was battlefield"
"Then came fight"
"And just when you thought your Magic game couldn't be more lame"
"Comes the DRAGON'S MAZE"

Ma gandesc ca se putea si mai rau, adica nu se numeste "Labyrinth of Lament" sau "Cursed Crossways" sau "Savage Sewers", dar totusi. Am impresia ca sunt fraierii de la D&D care editeaza Monster Manual. Te pomeni ca peste 2-3 seturi o sa avem si in MtG creaturi precum Sea Lion (vezi imaginea de mai jos).

Pentru cei care nu ma cred, acesta este o creatura din Monster Manual. Daca vreti alte chestii ciudate, uitati-va aici:

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

vikirosen wrote:

Seriously, cred ca vad deja reclama:

"First there was battlefield"
"Then came fight"
"And just when you thought your Magic game couldn't be more lame"
"Comes the DRAGON'S MAZE"

Ma gandesc ca se putea si mai rau, adica nu se numeste "Labyrinth of Lament" sau "Cursed Crossways" sau "Savage Sewers", dar totusi. Am impresia ca sunt fraierii de la D&D care editeaza Monster Manual. Te pomeni ca peste 2-3 seturi o sa avem si in MtG creaturi precum Sea Lion (vezi imaginea de mai jos).

Pentru cei care nu ma cred, acesta este o creatura din Monster Manual. Daca vreti alte chestii ciudate, uitati-va aici:

OMG... if they print something like this I'll seriously consider finding another hobby:

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

E BIPED!!!! = ))))))))
... pe lângă toate celelalte chestiile.

Last edited by Vlad (2012-11-13 08:42:34)

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

..what IF Niv se transforma in Ral Zarek ? huh ?! no waaay tongue

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Niv = ral? would be  funny.

Deci orasul e labirintul dragonului, nu? Ii o metafora cum ca niv ajunge stapan pe ravnica, nu?

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

sau toti incearca sa-l opreasca pe neanea Niv si o sa fie 5 color cards din the resistance tongue

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

"The Maze is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your Mind Stone. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth, that
you are a slave. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
  This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the BLUE pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the RED pill - you stay in Ravnica and I show you how deep the mana pool goes. "

Last edited by Silviu (2012-11-14 08:07:35)


Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Silviu wrote:

"The Maze is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your Mind Stone. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth, that
you are a slave. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
  This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the BLUE pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the RED pill - you stay in Ravnica and I show you how deep the mana pool goes. "

splendid lol

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Se pare ca avem primele informatii legate de PreRelease-ul Dragon's Maze. Vom alege din 10 ghilde si ne vom prinde urechile in ceva labirint. Promo card-ul va fi acelasi la toti dar nu-l vom putea juca. Nu vor mai exista basic land-uri in boostere ci doar nonbasic (in fiecare).

Aici aveti informatiile de la mama lor.

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Nu sunt sigur, dar faza cu no basic lands parca ar fi numai la prerelease, nu?

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Nu. Eu am inteles ca overall, per set, nu vor exista basic landuri in boostere.

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

singerete wrote:

Nu. Eu am inteles ca overall, per set, nu vor exista basic landuri in boostere.

Asa este, Overall nu vor exista. Exista deci sansa sa prindem 3 rare per booster (normala, land, foil). De asemenea, vom avea un land mitic in DGM,
Ce sanse sunt pentru Maze of Ith? Nu e pe lista de reserved cards, deci un posibil reprint nu ar fi iesit din discutie.

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Flobo wrote:
TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

Ce sanse sunt pentru Maze of Ith? Nu e pe lista de reserved cards, deci un posibil reprint nu ar fi iesit din discutie.

Pe cat ar fi de nice sa vedem Maze of Ith, mai ales ca merge cu numele setului, avand in vedere ca actiunea va avea loc tot in Ravnica iar Ith era in Dominaria zic ca sansele unui repind sunt destul de mici. Cred ca ar fi sanse mai bune sa vedem Mystifying Maze din M11.
Poate vor face ceva land inspirat de plane-ul asta Izzet Steam Maze.

La cate creaturi cu "enters the battlefield" sunt momentan nu cred ca ar fi cea mai buna idee sa printeze asa ceva(Mystifying Maze) o.O.
Nu prea as vrea ca landul meu mitic sa exileze un Swagtusk.
Iar Maze of Ith-thing mi se pare mult prea bun sa fie reprintat. E asa de bun ca ma simt eu mizerabil cand il folosesc.


Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

Silviu wrote:

E asa de bun ca ma simt eu mizerabil cand il folosesc.

Atunci nu-l mai folosi!

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

The Rumor Mill staff has had an anonymous source contact us about the mythic land. We feel it's fairly confirmed, since the source has proven reliable with a separate spoiler. Here's what we know about the other card!

When you have 10 gates, you win the game. It wasn't specified if this was at upkeep or end of turn.

There's less sure things that can be inferred as well. First, the source wasn't sure if it is or isn't a Gate itself. I'm inclined to believe it isn't. Second, it's likely the mythic mentioned in today's Arcana, since it's an alternate win-con. Third, it's probably true, since every pack is going to either have a Gate or a shock, so drafting a deck around it won't be impossible.

So there's the first spoiled DGM card!

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

nu imi dati careva numaru' de telefon al lui mihai costin va rog?

Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze

ti'am trimis email cu nr lui