Topic: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

As the title says.  He sent cards on Nov 12 and I sent on Nov 13.  My delivery confirmation states that he received the cards on Nov 16 however I have not received anything in return.  When I asked him about it he is just simply not responding.  I have last heard from him on November 12.  How should I proceed?

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?


Last edited by Mistbeaver (2012-11-27 00:48:24)

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

Mistbeaver wrote:

Wait a little longer than 4 days first of all.

Today is the 26th, not the 16th.  He has waited 2 weeks.

Xopar, email - maybe they can help you out.  Assuming this is referencing your only open trade, your fellow trader has been around today even.  He should be more responsive. 

If nothing comes out of it soon, I'll give you information on how to file mail fraud.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

I'm kind of in the same boat as Xopar. (It looks like he and I both traded with the same person in question and I was thinking of posting something by the end of the week if I didn't hear back from the person in question.)

I too sent my cards to this person on 11/15/12 and they were confirmed delivered, the person has yet to say he sent his cards out.

Last edited by trmiller1326 (2012-11-26 23:51:02)

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

Actinide wrote:
Mistbeaver wrote:

Wait a little longer than 4 days first of all.

Today is the 26th, not the 16th.  He has waited 2 weeks.

Xopar, email - maybe they can help you out.  Assuming this is referencing your only open trade, your fellow trader has been around today even.  He should be more responsive. 

If nothing comes out of it soon, I'll give you information on how to file mail fraud.

Okay thanks for the advice.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

does this happen often on here?

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

thegreekcuddler wrote:

does this happen often on here?

I have completed 28 trades and have had no problems before this.  So of course it would happen when I decide to trade a large value of things.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

Xopar wrote:
thegreekcuddler wrote:

does this happen often on here?

I have completed 28 trades and have had no problems before this.  So of course it would happen when I decide to trade a large value of things.

that is still encouraging to hear I hope everything turns out for you!

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

Same boat from the same guy. I was going to email deckbox tomorrow if I hadn't received them. He last contacted me on 11/15. I sent my cards 10/17, he marked as received 11/8. He said he sent his cards 10/25 and still nothing a month later. The user in question is 'tlin'.

Edit: Now that 3 people have come forward, I'd say just wait for a MOD to see this post and go from there

Last edited by UnstableFlux (2012-11-27 16:19:02)

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Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

thegreekcuddler wrote:

does this happen often on here?

Honestly, I have never had an issue trading on here and I have 86 completed trades.  I also get people to send first to me a lot of the time, which helps I guess.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

Edit: This is important. If he was affected by Sandy, then it may be an issue with the carrier. One of my trades was "lost in the mail" for 3 weeks before finally arriving at a local post office.

He seems to have been online recently (actually today); however he has yet to view your messages. These can be checked by hovering your mouse over his icon next to his name and checking his profile -> trades -> whether there is a speech bubble next to trade.

In my experience, I have never had an issue with anyone on this site. I do often get people to send to me first; however, with 30 positive rep, I probably would've simul-send with this guy. Did you guys get him to send with D/C? For a trade that large, I probably would've expect to see  a D/C number the moment he marked the trade sent.

Personally, I have had cards in PWE come in surprisingly long time periods (3 Weeks was the longest). I would try emailing both the deckbox support and him to see if maybe he's just having some problems. If not, then with so many people, you might want to try a mass mail fraud report to try get something going against him.

Last edited by iamsolipsism (2012-11-27 00:42:39)

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

Please remember that standard shipping through the post office, is not guaranteed to arrive in a set period of time.  While most shipments arrive in a few days, some may take two to four (2-4) weeks to arrive, not accounting for any extraneous circumstances (e.g., hurricane, flooding).

If you can see that the trader has been online since your last contact, ask to reach out to him or her.  Include in your message both a description of the situation and a link to the trade in question.

I recently had a situation where a trusted trading partner suddenly became non-responsive, and his cards were long overdue. He was not communicating while he waited to see if the cards would show up, until I sent a message to support and they touched base with him.  It turns out his original shipment was flagged as suspicious, packages were opened, and they could not read the return address information.  He only found out about it when he went in to the post office to inquire about his missing shipments (numerous traders were affected). I received my cards two days later.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

One other note: I had a pending trade with the same individual back in August.  He was supposed to ship first.  He told me it would be a week or so before he could get me his address, since he was moving into his college housing.  After not seeing his card(s) and not seeing his new address posted, I asked him what was up.  He indicated that he would not be going through with the trade because he is "at college now and shipping and what not is a hassle." He did apologize.  Thankfully, I had not shipped (it was agreed that he would ship first).

I must admit it has been a while since I was a young college student.  Any chance that his school would have a November break or even a series of exams over the past couple weeks? It's always best if people communicate in such situations, and I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Last edited by HikingStick (2012-11-27 02:20:22)

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

If he is in college, Thanksgiving Break just occurred and midterms should be in full effect now. (I am a student as well.)

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

iamsolipsism wrote:

If he is in college, Thanksgiving Break just occurred and midterms should be in full effect now. (I am a student as well.)

He still marked stuff shipped quite a while ago.  You shouldn't mark cards as shipped unless it's actually in the mail.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

asmodeanreborn wrote:

He still marked stuff shipped quite a while ago.  You shouldn't mark cards as shipped unless it's actually in the mail.

A subset of traders here like to mark things shipped as soon as the trade configuration is finalized, to minimize the risk of trading the same card twice (inbound or outbound).  The ones I've interacted with have always done it only with mutual consent, however.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

So just as an update he replied in the trade chat:

tlin    Sorry man you should get them soon. I didn't respond as I was away on break.    02:01

So I guess it could be a combination of Sandy and break but I will keep the thread updated.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

I'm still not really sure how to handle this as it's been 1.5 months for me and still no cards....They're the last cards I need to complete my standard deck as well =/

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Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

HikingStick wrote:

A subset of traders here like to mark things shipped as soon as the trade configuration is finalized, to minimize the risk of trading the same card twice (inbound or outbound).  The ones I've interacted with have always done it only with mutual consent, however.

I wish there was a button to remove from tradelist and inventory, instead of linking it to the action of clicking "shipped".  I go through and do it by hand, but it is a real PITA on a bulk trade of a whole pile of cards!

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

UnstableFlux wrote:

I'm still not really sure how to handle this as it's been 1.5 months for me and still no cards....They're the last cards I need to complete my standard deck as well =/

Please send us an email with details to

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Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

give him time, people have personal troubles and/or he couldve been affected by sandy (he's in Pennsylvania, which may have been). I'd wait 4 weeks before thinking about throwing around mail fraud.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

I have gotten one reply from him saying he got my cards, he has yet to update mine being sent...he hasn't even read the comment yet actually.

In three days it will be a month for me-others have waited longer. I'm a patient man, but my wife is looking forward to this card for her deck for FNM.

I understand and respect that he is in college. It's tough, especially in the time of mid-terms, breaks and finals, but I went to college too and I don't think I would ever screw so many people by not sending out cards, or even replying to people with more detail reasons why the cards have yet to be sent.

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

trmiller1326 wrote:

I have gotten one reply from him saying he got my cards, he has yet to update mine being sent...he hasn't even read the comment yet actually.

In three days it will be a month for me-others have waited longer. I'm a patient man, but my wife is looking forward to this card for her deck for FNM.

I understand and respect that he is in college. It's tough, especially in the time of mid-terms, breaks and finals, but I went to college too and I don't think I would ever screw so many people by not sending out cards, or even replying to people with more detail reasons why the cards have yet to be sent.

I've open a discussion with deckbox about him:


We've emailed him twice, and sadly he has not responded. We marked his account as a scammer, so other website users can see. He still has a chance of responding to us, since we have notified him we're making a public scammers list.

We're sorry for your bad trading experience, we hope this never happens again.

Give it another 3-4 days to see if he responds, and then please mark the trade canceled and leave him negative feedback."

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Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

UnstableFlux wrote:
trmiller1326 wrote:

I have gotten one reply from him saying he got my cards, he has yet to update mine being sent...he hasn't even read the comment yet actually.

In three days it will be a month for me-others have waited longer. I'm a patient man, but my wife is looking forward to this card for her deck for FNM.

I understand and respect that he is in college. It's tough, especially in the time of mid-terms, breaks and finals, but I went to college too and I don't think I would ever screw so many people by not sending out cards, or even replying to people with more detail reasons why the cards have yet to be sent.

I've open a discussion with deckbox about him:


We've emailed him twice, and sadly he has not responded. We marked his account as a scammer, so other website users can see. He still has a chance of responding to us, since we have notified him we're making a public scammers list.

We're sorry for your bad trading experience, we hope this never happens again.

Give it another 3-4 days to see if he responds, and then please mark the trade canceled and leave him negative feedback."

What I would I do about the cards he already has? I'm guessing it's a "sorry about your luck" situation for me though...

Re: What should I do if I think that I got scammed?

I'm in the same boat, he got my cards and I never got his. I can't even leave negative feedback because I would have to cancel the trade so it wouldn't show up on his record. Pretty much it is a "We know it sucks but we can't do anything else about it" situation.

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